首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将张量转换为 R 数组(在损失函数中,因此无需急切执行)?


我有TensorFlow2.4 版并使用 R 包tensorflow(2.2.0) 和keras(。我想在损失函数中将张量转换为 R 数组(不要问为什么)。这是一个这样的转换(在损失函数之外)起作用的例子:

x.R <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3) # dummy R object
x.tensor <- keras_array(x.R) # converting the R object to a tensor
as.array(x.tensor) # converting it back to an R array. This works because...
stopifnot(tf$executing_eagerly()) # ... eager execution is enabled


d <- 2 # input and output dimension
in.lay  <- layer_input(shape = d)
hid.lay <- layer_dense(in.lay,  units = 300, activation = "relu")
out.lay <- layer_dense(hid.lay, units = d,   activation = "sigmoid")
model <- keras_model(in.lay, out.lay)
n <- 1200 # number of training samples
data <- matrix(runif(n * d), ncol = d) # training data


myloss <- function(x, y) { # x and y are tensors here
   stopifnot(!tf$executing_eagerly()) # confirms that eager execution is disabled
   x. <- as.array(x) # ... fails with "RuntimeError: Evaluation error: invalid first argument, must be vector (list or atomic)." How can we convert x to an R array?
   loss_mean_squared_error(x, y) # just a dummy return value (the MSE)
compile(model, optimizer = "adam", loss = myloss)

让我们尝试拟合这个模型(看看它无法通过 将张量转换x为 R 数组as.array())。

prior <- matrix(rexp(n * d), ncol = d) # input sample to train the NN on
n.epoch <- 5 # number of epochs to train
batch.size <- 400 # batch size
fit(model, x = prior, y = data, batch_size = batch.size, epochs = n.epoch) # fails with error message given above

R 包 tensorflow 提供tfe_enable_eager_execution()了在会话中启用即时执行的功能。但是如果我用TensorFlow2.4 调用它,那么我得到:

tfe_enable_eager_execution() # "Error in py_get_attr_impl(x, name, silent) :  AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'"

理想情况下,我不想过多地处理急切执行(不确定副作用),只需将张量转换为数组即可。我的猜测是,除了急切执行之外别无他法,因为只有指针被解析并且 R 包tensorflow在张量中找到数据并能够将其转换为数组。

这里提到了启用/禁用急切执行的其他想法,但这都是在 Python 中,在 R 中似乎不可用。而这篇这篇文章似乎提出了同样的问题,但在不同的背景下。

标签: rtensorflowkeras

