首页 > 解决方案 > 列出系列中两个表之间的不同变体


我有两个名为 Transaction1 和 Transaction2 的表,它们有不同的步骤:

Create Table Transaction1
    Step varchar(100)

Create Table Transaction2
    Step varchar(100)

Insert into Transaction1 (Step) values
('Read the value from row 4.'),
('Multiply that value times 2.'),
('Write the result to row 3.'),
('Write the literal value “5” to row 2.'),
('Write the literal value “100” to row 5.'),

Insert into Transaction2 (Step) values
('Read the value from row 2.'),
('Write that value to row 4.'),
('Write the literal value “10” to row 3.'),

但是,我想在行中列出不同的变化,这些变化必须按顺序发生。例如,我发现的一种可能变化是: 在此处输入图像描述

同样,我确信会有许多不同的变体,我不确定如何使用 SQL 来实现。我虽然使用这样的笛卡尔积:

Select t1.*, t2.* from Transaction1 t1, Transaction2 t2

但这不是按顺序保持步骤。如何通过 SQL 实现两个事务的顺序输出?


标签: sqlsql-servertsql


看来您正在寻找 2^4=16 组合。该代码为输入的每一行分配序数。然后 CROSS JOIN 创建列的每个组合并使用 ROW_NUMBER() 分配一个唯一的“组合”编号。最后,使用 CROSS APPLY 将结果 UNPIVOTED 分成 5 列的 16 个组合。序列中的最后 2 个元素(9 和 10)来自 Transaction1 表。像这样的东西

drop table if exists #Transaction1
Create Table #Transaction1(
    ordinal int,
    Step varchar(100));

drop table if exists #Transaction2
Create Table #Transaction2(
    ordinal int,
    Step varchar(100));

Insert into #Transaction1 (ordinal, Step) values
(1,'Read the value from row 4.'),
(2,'Multiply that value times 2.'),
(3,'Write the result to row 3.'),
(4,'Write the literal value “5” to row 2.'),
(5,'Write the literal value “100” to row 5.'),

Insert into #Transaction2 (ordinal, Step) values
(1,'Read the value from row 2.'),
(2,'Write that value to row 4.'),
(3,'Write the literal value “10” to row 3.'),

c1_cte(trans, ordinal, step) as (
    select 1, ordinal, step from #Transaction1 where ordinal=1
    union all
    select 2, ordinal, step from #Transaction2 where ordinal=1),
c2_cte(trans, ordinal, step) as (
    select 1, ordinal, step from #Transaction1 where ordinal=2
    union all
    select 2, ordinal, step from #Transaction2 where ordinal=2),
c3_cte(trans, ordinal, step) as (
    select 1, ordinal, step from #Transaction1 where ordinal=3
    union all
    select 2, ordinal, step from #Transaction2 where ordinal=3),
c4_cte(trans, ordinal, step) as (
    select 1, ordinal, step from #Transaction1 where ordinal=4
    union all
    select 2, ordinal, step from #Transaction2 where ordinal=4),
cols_cte as (
    select c1.trans t1, c1.ordinal o1, c1.step s1,
           c2.trans t3, c2.ordinal o3, c2.step s3,
           c3.trans t5, c3.ordinal o5, c3.step s5,
           c4.trans t7, c4.ordinal o7, c4.step s7
    from c1_cte c1
         cross join c2_cte c2
         cross join c3_cte c3
         cross join c4_cte c4),
both_cte as (
    select c.t1, c.o1, c.s1,
           seq2.t2, seq2.o2, seq2.s2,
           c.t3, c.o3, c.s3,
           seq4.t4, seq4.o4, seq4.s4,
           c.t5, c.o5, c.s5,
           seq6.t6, seq6.o6, seq6.s6,
           c.t7, c.o7, c.s7,
           seq8.t8, seq8.o8, seq8.s8,
           row_number() over (order by (select null)) rn
    from cols_cte c
         cross apply (select trans t2, ordinal o2, step s2 
                      from c1_cte cc where cc.trans<>c.t1) seq2
         cross apply (select trans t4, ordinal o4, step s4 
                      from c2_cte cc where cc.trans<>c.t3) seq4
         cross apply (select trans t6, ordinal o6, step s6 
                      from c3_cte cc where cc.trans<>c.t5) seq6
         cross apply (select trans t8, ordinal o8, step s8 
                      from c4_cte cc where cc.trans<>c.t7) seq8),
unq_combo_cte as (select distinct rn from both_cte),
t1_last_cte(combo, seq, trans, ordinal, step) as (
    select uc.rn, t1.ordinal+4, 1, t1.ordinal, t1.step
    from unq_combo_cte uc
         cross join #Transaction1 t1
    where t1.ordinal in(5, 6))
select v.*
from both_cte b
     cross apply (values (b.rn, 1, b.t1, b.o1, b.s1),
                         (b.rn, 2, b.t2, b.o2, b.s2),
                         (b.rn, 3, b.t3, b.o3, b.s3),
                         (b.rn, 4, b.t4, b.o4, b.s4),
                         (b.rn, 5, b.t5, b.o5, b.s5),
                         (b.rn, 6, b.t6, b.o6, b.s6),
                         (b.rn, 7, b.t7, b.o7, b.s7),
                         (b.rn, 8, b.t8, b.o8, b.s8)) 
                         v(combo, seq, trans, ordinal, step)
union all select * from t1_last_cte
order by combo, seq;
combo   seq trans   ordinal step
1   1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
1   2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
1   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
1   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
1   5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
1   6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
1   7   2   4   Commit.
1   8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
1   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
1   10  1   6   Commit.
2   1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
2   2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
2   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
2   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
2   5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
2   6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
2   7   2   4   Commit.
2   8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
2   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
2   10  1   6   Commit.
3   1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
3   2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
3   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
3   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
3   5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
3   6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
3   7   2   4   Commit.
3   8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
3   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
3   10  1   6   Commit.
4   1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
4   2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
4   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
4   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
4   5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
4   6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
4   7   2   4   Commit.
4   8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
4   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
4   10  1   6   Commit.
5   1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
5   2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
5   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
5   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
5   5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
5   6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
5   7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
5   8   2   4   Commit.
5   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
5   10  1   6   Commit.
6   1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
6   2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
6   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
6   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
6   5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
6   6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
6   7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
6   8   2   4   Commit.
6   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
6   10  1   6   Commit.
7   1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
7   2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
7   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
7   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
7   5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
7   6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
7   7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
7   8   2   4   Commit.
7   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
7   10  1   6   Commit.
8   1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
8   2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
8   3   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
8   4   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
8   5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
8   6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
8   7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
8   8   2   4   Commit.
8   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
8   10  1   6   Commit.
9   1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
9   2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
9   3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
9   4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
9   5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
9   6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
9   7   2   4   Commit.
9   8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
9   9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
9   10  1   6   Commit.
10  1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
10  2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
10  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
10  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
10  5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
10  6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
10  7   2   4   Commit.
10  8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
10  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
10  10  1   6   Commit.
11  1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
11  2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
11  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
11  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
11  5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
11  6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
11  7   2   4   Commit.
11  8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
11  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
11  10  1   6   Commit.
12  1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
12  2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
12  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
12  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
12  5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
12  6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
12  7   2   4   Commit.
12  8   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
12  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
12  10  1   6   Commit.
13  1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
13  2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
13  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
13  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
13  5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
13  6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
13  7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
13  8   2   4   Commit.
13  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
13  10  1   6   Commit.
14  1   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
14  2   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
14  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
14  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
14  5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
14  6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
14  7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
14  8   2   4   Commit.
14  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
14  10  1   6   Commit.
15  1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
15  2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
15  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
15  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
15  5   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
15  6   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
15  7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
15  8   2   4   Commit.
15  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
15  10  1   6   Commit.
16  1   2   1   Read the value from row 2.
16  2   1   1   Read the value from row 4.
16  3   1   2   Multiply that value times 2.
16  4   2   2   Write that value to row 4.
16  5   1   3   Write the result to row 3.
16  6   2   3   Write the literal value “10” to row 3.
16  7   1   4   Write the literal value “5” to row 2.
16  8   2   4   Commit.
16  9   1   5   Write the literal value “100” to row 5.
16  10  1   6   Commit.
