首页 > 解决方案 > 我们可以使用单个 Azure AD 应用访问不同的 Azure AD 目录吗


我目前正在使用一个目录的 Azure AD 应用程序(客户端 ID 和客户端密码)通过 MS Graph 和 Azure 管理 API 获取附加订阅的用户详细信息和 Azure 资源。现在我在我的管理组下又添加了一个目录和订阅。我想知道我是否通过应用注册创建了一个多租户 Azure AD 应用,我可以访问其他目录的用户吗?如果是,需要什么配置?

标签: azureazure-active-directoryazure-management-api


If you want to use a single Azure ad application to access different Azure AD directories, then you must configure the application as a multi-tenant application. Because changing the application to a multi-tenant application allows any tenant log in.

Next, you need to request the consent of the administrators of other Azure AD tenants. After the administrator consent, it will be added to other organization tenants as an enterprise application in. In addition, different tenants need to use different access tokens.
