首页 > 解决方案 > 批量变量



set item1=ring
set item2=deadhead
set item3=bloodstainedmap
set item4=strangebox
echo 1) %item1%
echo 2) %item2%
echo 3) %item3%
echo 4) %item4%
echo Which Item do you wish to look at?
choice /c 1234 /n >nul
if %errorlevel%==1 goto itemin
if %errorlevel%==2 goto itemin
if %errorlevel%==3 goto itemin
if %errorlevel%==4 goto itemin

echo %item%errorlevel%%
::^^^^ this part here should read "ring" if i selected 1. It reads "errorlevel"




标签: batch-filevariableschoice



Choice 命令可以在 for /F 循环中执行,允许直接使用选择选项,而不是评估错误级别。必须使用 /N 无提示开关,必须排除使用 /M 自定义提示开关。


@ECHO Off & Goto :main
:::  Script Break - Functions    :::

:main                            :::  
:::      Macro Definitions       :::
(Set \n=^^^

%= Newline var \n for macro definition - Do not modify. =%)
 If "!![" == "[" (
  Echo/DelayedExpansion Not permitted prior to Macro Definition.
  Exit /B 0
========================================== ::: MENU macro prep and Definition :::
rem /* Key index list Allows 36 menu options. Component of Menu Macro /*
rem /* Menu macro Usage: %Menu% "quoted" "list of" "options"
==== Set Menu=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
%= Output Dividing Line                 =%  Echo(!DIV!%\n%
%= Reset CH# index value for Opt[#]     =%  Set "CH#=0"%\n%
%= Undefine choice option key list      =%  Set "CHCS="%\n%
%= For Each in list;                    =%  For %%G in (!Options!)Do (%\n%
%= For Option Index value               =%   For %%i in (!CH#!)Do (%\n%
%= Build the Choice key list and Opt[#] =%    Set "CHCS=!CHCS!!ChoList:~%%i,1!"%\n%
%= array using the character at the     =%    Set "Opt[!ChoList:~%%i,1!]=%%~G"%\n%
%= current substring index. Display.    =%    Echo([!ChoList:~%%i,1!] %%~G%\n%
%= Increment Opt[#] Index var CH#       =%    Set /A "CH#+=1"%\n%
%= Close CH# loop                       =%   )%\n%
%= Close Options loop                   =%  )%\n%
%= Output Dividing Line                 =%  Echo(!DIV!%\n%
%= Select option by character index     =%  For /F "Delims=" %%o in ('Choice /N /C:!CHCS!')Do (%\n%
%= Assign return var OPTION with the    =%   Set "Option=!Opt[%%o]!"%\n%
%= value selected from Opt[CH#] array.  =%  )%\n%
%= Capture Macro input - Options List   =% )Else Set Options=
========================================== ::: End Menu Definition :::
rem /* Get console width for dividing line. */
 for /F "usebackq tokens=2* delims=: " %%W in (`mode con ^| findstr Columns`) do Set /A     "Console_Width=%%W"
rem /* Enable environment for macro expansion */
 Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem /* Build dividing line. */
 Set "DIV="&For /L %%i in (2 1 %Console_Width%)Do Set "DIV=!DIV!-"
:::         Script Body          :::
rem /* Optional - Define an Options list. */
 Set "Loot[1]= "ring" "dead head" "blood stained map" "strange box""
 CLS & Title %~n0
 %Menu% "exit" %Loot[1]%
 If "!Option!" == "exit" (Endlocal & Goto :Eof)Else Echo/You chose !Option!
rem /* Optional - remove selected option from list of options. Options should be Doublequoted with leading whitespace. */
 Set "Loot[1]=!Loot[1]: "%Option%"=!"
rem /* Do whatever you want with your option here. Execute it, use options as label names to call etc. */
Goto :menu
