首页 > 解决方案 > 找不到我存储到地图中的值


我基本上是逐个字符地读取文件,当我遇到一个新数字时,我将它std::map作为一个元素存储在一个键中,元素等于 1。我遇到相同数字的次数越多,我就会增加该键的元素:

    //keyexist  just increment count else
    int newValue =  intMap.at(singleCharacter) + 1; //grabs the value that already exists and we need to incrmenet it by 1 and store the new value in the map.

    std::map<int, int>::iterator it = intMap.find(singleCharacter); //finds the single character and increments it by 1.

    if (it != intMap.end())
        it->second = newValue; //setting the new increment value into the element
    //doesnt exist and and we need to create it and incrmenet by 1
    //cout<<"doesnt exist"<<endl;
    intMap.insert(pair<int, int>(singleCharacter,1));
    cout<<singleCharacter <<" new made : "<<intMap.at(singleCharacter) <<endl;

for (auto& p : intMap ) {
    cout << p.first<<": "<< p.second <<endl;; // "Karl", "George"



An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a code of 10 characters, referred to as ISBN-10,                                                                             
 separated by dashes such as 0-7637-0798-8. An ISBN-10 consists of four parts: a group code, a publisher code,                                                                
 a code that uniquely identifies the book among those published by a particular publisher, and a check character.                                                             
 The check character is used to validate an ISBN. For the ISBN 0-7637-0798-8, the group code is 0,                                                                            
 which identifies the book as one from an English-speaking country. The publisher code 7637 is for "Jones and Bartlett Publishers


48: 8                                                                                                                                                                          
49: 3                                                                                                                                                                          
51: 3                                                                                                                                                                          
54: 3                                                                                                                                                                          
55: 8                                                                                                                                                                          
56: 4                                                                                                                                                                          
57: 2  


1: and the amount of times it was seen 


标签: c++


你得到那些“随机”数字是因为你使用的是std::map<int,int>而不是std::map<char,int>. 您打印的是字符符号的 ASCII 数字代码及其计数。

So, you need to either change the map's type, or cast the keys back to char:

for (auto& p : intMap ) {
    cout << static_cast<char>(p.first) << ": "<< p.second <<endl;

Note: std::map::operator[] is precisely designed for such case, it will initialize missed values with 0 in this case, so all of your conditions can be replaced with:


Details can be found in this documentation.
