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My company is upgrading our database hardware to facilitate a data process that potentially may not work (... long story) and in order to somewhat justify the purchase in case the data process does not work, the idea has been floated around of rewriting the site using Oracle APEX. I am wondering about the limitations of APEX and have been unable to find a solution to a few questions.

I currently have a fairly complex, dynamic ecommerce website written in NodeJS and ExpressJS using EJS for templating. There is a lot of logic done inside the .ejs files and the partial templates themselves are re-used in various places throughout the site. We are using ORDS calls from the Node server to retreive data from the database.

I am mainly curious about how one would go about implementing something similar to EJS partial views in APEX. I am pretty new to APEX (2-3 months working on another application) so I haven't gotten too in depth into the way templates are used, past the normal #REGION_01# substitution of simple elements.

I am assuming that most of the logic (deciding whether to show element A or element B based on a value from the database record of the product) would be done in PL/SQL or in a separate JS file.

Is something like the following possible?

  1. A template containing a "Add To Cart" Button, MSRP, Sale Price, and a (HTML) table displaying possible discounts based on the quantity purchased
  2. A template containing product information, like the product ID, name, manufacturer, and a small description of the product
  3. A template combining the previous 2 options and a picture of the product into a row that can be re-used across the site

If someone has experience with this sort of thing, or could point me towards some good reference material on a similar topic, I would appreciate it.

标签: node.jsejsoracle-apex


我使用 Oracle APEX 已经有一段时间了,特别是在前端部门,因为它在模板方面确实缺少一点。



您可以在共享组件 -> 模板上创建和自定义模板。我几乎可以肯定您需要创建新内容或复制内容,因为原版内容已被锁定。



当然,您可以使用空白页面并添加组件来创建许多东西。我曾在开发 ERP、移动应用程序、与 Marketplaces 的股票集成(尽管需要一些 Java)和几个开箱即用的定制应用程序的团队中工作。
