首页 > 解决方案 > 根据来自R中不同行的其他变量值的组合计算来自不同行的变量值的差异


我有由id和标识period的不平衡面板数据data.table。有 8,278 个观测值和 230 个变量。

我想知道id我的数据中的公司(由 标识)从计划进入市场(plan_entry == "yes",包含NAs)到他们真正进入市场(enter_market == "yes",不包含 s)需要多长时间NA

因此,我想生成例如time_to_entry == 5,如果period == 4公司计划进入市场并period == 9最终进入市场。数据的结构大致如下,并且已经包含所需的输出变量。请注意,公司可能会在未说明任何先前计划的情况下进入市场。也可能是他们有计划进入一个新市场,并在同一时期进入一个新市场。在这两种情况下,我都想要time_to_entry == 0. 如果公司从未进入任何市场,它也应该为 0。



desired_output <- 
  data.table(id = as.factor(c(rep("C001", 3), "C002", rep("C003", 5), rep("C004", 2), rep("C005", 7))),
             period = as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
             plan_entry = as.factor(c(rep(NA, 2), "yes", "no", NA, rep("no", 2), rep("yes", 4), rep(NA, 2), rep("yes", 4), "no")),
             enter_market = as.factor(c(rep("no", 3), "yes", rep("no", 5), rep("yes", 2), rep("no", 5), rep("yes", 2))),
             time_to_entry = c(rep(0, 10), 1, rep(0, 5), 5, 1))

#      id period plan_entry enter_market time_to_entry
# 1: C001      1       <NA>           no             0
# 2: C001      2       <NA>           no             0
# 3: C001      3        yes           no             0
# 4: C002      2         no          yes             0
# 5: C003      1       <NA>           no             0
# 6: C003      4         no           no             0
# 7: C003      5         no           no             0
# 8: C003      6        yes           no             0
# 9: C003     10        yes           no             0
#10: C004      3        yes          yes             0     ! there might be cases 
# where companies enter a market without stating any plans to do so in previous periods
#11: C004      4        yes          yes             1 
#12: C005      2       <NA>           no             0
#13: C005      3       <NA>           no             0
#14: C005      4        yes           no             0
#15: C005      7        yes           no             0
#16: C005      8        yes           no             0
#17: C005      9        yes          yes             5
#18: C005     10         no          yes             1       


因此,我需要一个命令来查找特定的第一个periodwhere ,然后在以下s 中搜索并计算各个s 之间的差异并将其存储在. 然后,它应该从这个开始,寻找一个特定的下一个(这可能是在一个公司进入市场的同一时期。但是,这种情况不应该考虑,而只考虑下一个时期的那个。)等.plan_entry == "yes"idperiodenter_market == "yes"periodtime_to_entryperiodplan_entry == "yes"identer_market == "yes"




  1. 搜索每个公司的 dt$enter_market == "yes" 的最短期间

# generate almost same dataset but without desired variable time_to_entry
dt <- 
  data.table(id = as.factor(c(rep("C001", 3), "C002", rep("C003", 5), rep("C004", 2), rep("C005", 7))),
             period = as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
             plan_entry = as.factor(c(rep(NA, 2), "yes", "no", NA, rep("no", 2), rep("yes", 4), rep(NA, 2), rep("yes", 4), "no")),
             enter_market = as.factor(c(rep("no", 3), "yes", rep("no", 5), rep("yes", 2), rep("no", 5), rep("yes", 2))))

# generate minimum period by company
dt[, min_period := min(as.numeric(period)), by = id] 

# make data.table a data.frame
dt <- as.data.frame(dt)

# use dplyr
dt <-
  dt %>%
  group_by(id, enter_market) %>% # group data by id and market entry
  mutate(min_entry_period =  min(as.numeric(period))) # generate minimum period for grouped data

# minimum period for companies where plan_entry == "yes"
dt$entry_period <-
    dt$min_period != dt$min_entry_period & dt$plan_entry == "yes",

# A tibble: 18 x 8
# Groups:   id, enter_market [6]
#   id    period plan_entry enter_market time_to_entry min_period min_entry_period entry_period
#   <fct> <fct>  <fct>      <fct>                <dbl>      <dbl>            <dbl>        <dbl>
# 1 C001  1      NA         no                       0          1                1           NA
# 2 C001  2      NA         no                       0          1                1           NA
# 3 C001  3      yes        no                       0          1                1           NA
# 4 C002  2      no         yes                      0          2                2           NA
# 5 C003  1      NA         no                       0          1                1           NA
# 6 C003  4      no         no                       0          1                1           NA
# 7 C003  5      no         no                       0          1                1           NA
# 8 C003  6      yes        no                       0          1                1           NA
# 9 C003  10     yes        no                       0          1                1           NA
#10 C004  3      yes        yes                      0          3                3           NA
#11 C004  4      yes        yes                      1          3                3           NA
#12 C005  2      NA         no                       0          2                2           NA
#13 C005  3      NA         no                       0          2                2           NA
#14 C005  4      yes        no                       0          2                2           NA
#15 C005  7      yes        no                       0          2                2           NA
#16 C005  8      yes        no                       0          2                2           NA
#17 C005  9      yes        yes                      5          2                9            9
#18 C005  10     no         yes                      0          2                9           NA
  1. dt$plan_entry == "yes" 的所有期间
dt$plan_entry_period <-
  ifelse(dt$plan_entry == "yes", dt$period, NA)

  1. 对于 dt$plan_entry == "yes" 的每个公司,计算 entry_period – plan_entry_period
# fill in first entry_period for each observation by company
library(zoo) # for na.locf()

dt <- as.data.table(dt)
dt[, entry_period := na.locf(entry_period, na.rm = FALSE, fromLast = FALSE), by = id]
dt[, entry_period := na.locf(entry_period, na.rm = FALSE, fromLast = TRUE), by = id]

dt$time_to_entry <-
    dt$plan_entry == "yes", 
    dt$entry_period - dt$plan_entry_period,

# check variable

#      id period plan_entry enter_market min_period min_entry_period entry_period plan_entry_period time_to_entry
# 1: C001      1       <NA>           no          1                1           NA                NA            NA
# 2: C001      2       <NA>           no          1                1           NA                NA            NA
# 3: C001      3        yes           no          1                1           NA                 3            NA
# 4: C002      2         no          yes          2                2           NA                NA             0
# 5: C003      1       <NA>           no          1                1           NA                NA            NA
# 6: C003      4         no           no          1                1           NA                NA             0
# 7: C003      5         no           no          1                1           NA                NA             0
# 8: C003      6        yes           no          1                1           NA                 6            NA
# 9: C003     10        yes           no          1                1           NA                10            NA
#10: C004      3        yes          yes          3                3           NA                 3            NA
#11: C004      4        yes          yes          3                3           NA                 4            NA
#12: C005      2       <NA>           no          2                2            9                NA            NA
#13: C005      3       <NA>           no          2                2            9                NA            NA
#14: C005      4        yes           no          2                2            9                 4             5
#15: C005      7        yes           no          2                2            9                 7             2
#16: C005      8        yes           no          2                2            9                 8             1
#17: C005      9        yes          yes          2                9            9                 9             0
#18: C005     10         no          yes          2                9            9                NA             0



标签: rdata.tablepanel-data


这是一个使用非 equi 连接的选项:

#find the previous latest enter_market before current row
DT[enter_market=="yes", prev_entry := 
    fcoalesce(.SD[.SD, on=.(id, period<period), mult="last", x.period], 0L)

#non-equi join to find the first plan_entry before current enter_market but after previous latest enter_market
DT[enter_market=="yes", plan_period :=
    DT[plan_entry=="yes"][.SD, on=.(id, period>=prev_entry, period<period), mult="first", x.period]

#calculate time_to_entry and set NAs to 0
DT[, time_to_entry := fcoalesce(period - plan_period, 0L)]



DT <- 
    data.table(id = c(rep("C001", 3), "C002", rep("C003", 5), rep("C004", 2), rep("C005", 7)),
        period = as.integer(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10)),
        plan_entry = c(rep(NA, 2), "yes", "no", NA, rep("no", 2), rep("yes", 4), rep(NA, 2), rep("yes", 4), "no"),
        enter_market = c(rep("no", 3), "yes", rep("no", 5), rep("yes", 2), rep("no", 5), rep("yes", 2)))
