首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 jquery 选择框更改计算总运费?


所以系统是这样工作的。如果用户购买超过 500 美元,他们将获得免费送货费,否则将收取 10 美元的订单少于 500 美元。


如何使我的系统根据下拉值更改计算总额的方式。因为如果用户选择“自取”,则运费应自动设置为 0 美元。

我现在用php进行了计算。所以当订单少于 500usd 时,它会自动在总价中增加 10usd。下面是计算的php代码。

 while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
  $seller_id = $row['seller_id'];
  $product_id = $row['product_id'];
  $quantity = $row['cart_qty'];
  $quantity_unit = $row['cart_unit'];
  $purchase_price = $row['cart_price'] * $quantity;
  if($purchase_price < 500.00){
        $grand_total += ($row['cart_price'] * $row['cart_qty'])+10.00;
          $grand_total += $row['cart_price'] * $row['cart_qty'];
  $order_status = 1;
  $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

如何根据我上面解释的问题使用 jQuery 选择框更改方法进行计算?

标签: javascriptphpjquery


当然没问题。这将是使用 AJAX 的示例:

我假设您的 HTML 看起来像这样:

<select name="delivery" id="delivery">
<option selected value="pickup">Pickup</option>
<option value="delivery">Delivery</option>

<p id="grand_total"></p>

那么你的 Javascript 看起来像这样(假设你已经包含了 JQuery)



    // get the value 
    var delivery = $(this).val(); 

    // send to your php file using AJAX 
     $.get("URL TO YOUR PHP FILE?delivery="+delivery, function(data, status){
         // Data contains your grand total you could now display it 





$delivery = $_GET['delivery']; 

// I would add variable for this 
$shipping_fee = 0; 

 while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
  $seller_id = $row['seller_id'];
  $product_id = $row['product_id'];
  $quantity = $row['cart_qty'];
  $quantity_unit = $row['cart_unit'];
  $purchase_price = $row['cart_price'] * $quantity;
  if($purchase_price < 500.00){
        $shipping_fee = 10.00; 
          $shipping_fee = 0.00; 
   // Also Check for the delivery option here 
  if( $delivery == 'pickup') 
    // Shipping Fees should always be 0 
    $shipping_fee = 0.00; 


  // Finally do the calculation here 
  $grand_total += ($row['cart_price'] * $row['cart_qty'])+$shipping_fee;


  $order_status = 1;
  $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

  // For your ajax request print and return result 
  echo $grand_total; 
  return $grand_total; 
