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I've been looking through graph algorithms for weighted directed graphs, in particular Floyd's algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem. Here is my pseudocode implementation.

Let G be a weighted directed graph with nodes {1,...,n} and adjacency matrix A. Let B_k [i, j] be the shortest path from i to j which uses intermediate nodes <= k.

input A

if i = j then set B[i, j] = 0
  set B[i, j] = 0
else if i != j && there is an arc(i, j)
  set B[i, j] = A[i, j]
  set B[i, j] = infinity

#B = B0
for k = 1 to n:
  for i = 1 to n:
    for j = 1 to n:
      b_ij = min(b_ij, b_ik + b_kj)
return B

I was wondering if this algorithm (complexity O(n^3)) could be adapted to the widest path algorithm with similar complexity:

Given a weighted, directed graph (G, W), for each pair of nodes i, j find the bandwidth of the path from i to j with greatest bandwidth. If there is no path from i to j, we return 0.

Could anyone give me a pseudocode algorithm adapting the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for the widest path problem?

标签: algorithmgraph-theorydirected-graphfloyd-warshallweighted-graph



如果你使用b_ij = max(b_ij, min(b_ik, b_kj))而不是b_ij = min(b_ij, b_ik + b_kj)你可以解决最宽路径问题。此外,“无路径”初始化set B[i, j] = infinity必须更改为set B[i, j] = -infinity.

该演示实际上与原始问题中的相同:将前 k 个顶点归纳为中间顶点。运行时间未修改:ϴ(n^3)。
