首页 > 解决方案 > 使用键重命名列表中的数据框



# This is a dummy list with dataframes that may contain common variables
data_list <- list(
  dfx1 <- mtcars,
  dfx2 <- mtcars %>% rename(`mpg.1` = mpg, `cyl2` = cyl),
  dfx3 <- mtcars %>% rename(`mpg.11` = mpg),
  dfx4 <- mtcars %>% select(-mpg)

# Setup a key; the key does not have to be in this format
mykey <- c(
  mpg = c("mpg.1", "mpg.11"),
  cyl = c("cyl2")

# Is there a function that I can use to rename based in this key
lapply(x, fun, mykey)

标签: r



library( data.table )
#sample data
dt1 <- data.table( x = 1, yy = 2 )
dt2 <- data.table( xx = 1, yy = 2 )
L <- list(dt1, dt2)

#actual code renaming columns from old >> new
lapply( L, function(x) setnames( x, old = c("xx", "yy"), new = c("x", "y"), skip_absent = TRUE ) )
# [[1]]
#    x y
# 1: 1 2
# [[2]]
#    x y
# 1: 1 2
