首页 > 解决方案 > 记录 WSASend 缓冲区并发送它们


我试图为一个不受欢迎的游戏作弊。每次游戏调用 WSASend 函数时,lpBuffers 变量中有 1 个一定长度的缓冲区。我需要这样做,以便在按住鼠标侧键的同时,将缓冲区写入某种数组。然后,当按钮被释放时,检查我的数组中是否有东西,如果有,则一个一个地发送每个缓冲区。作弊的本质是在快速发送记录数据时,我的角色会突然从一个点移动到另一个点或非常快速地执行一些其他动作。我编写了以下代码,但它不能正常工作。

std::vector<std::string> records;
WSABUF buffer;

    The WSASend function leads to __WSASend. The original WSASend function is in _WSASend.

int WSAAPI __WSASend(SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine)
    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_XBUTTON1) < 0) // If the side mouse button is pressed when calling WSASend, write the buffer data to my array of strings

While the mouse button is held down, the game will think that the data was sent because * lpNumberOfBytesSent = lpBuffers-> len; This is necessary in order for the game to send new data.

        *lpNumberOfBytesSent = lpBuffers->len; 
        return 0;

/* I need to send data with a delay, but I cannot use the Sleep () function since WSASend and WSARecv are on the same thread. Since the game tries to send the same data if it just returns 0 (without setting * lpNumberOfBytesSent = lpBuffers-> len) I decided to take advantage of this. */
    if (records.size() > 0)
        buffer.buf = &records[0][0];
        buffer.len = records[0].length();
        _WSASend(s, &buffer, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

/* No delay because I decided to check if it works at all. And as it turned out, it works, but very rarely. When the saved data was small - 50 to 50 that will go and everything will be ok, but when there is a lot, it always kicks from the server with a data read error. */

        return 0; // I am returning 0 without setting * lpNumberOfBytesSent = lpBuffers-> len; so that the game calls the same function again with the same data to send next recorded buffer data

    return _WSASend(s, lpBuffers, dwBufferCount, lpNumberOfBytesSent, dwFlags, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine); // When there is no data recorded


标签: c++winsock2



  • 当鼠标按钮为 DOWN 时,您完全忽略了将调用者的新数据添加到列表dwBufferCount中时的参数。WSASend()如果调用者尝试一次发送多个 WSABUFs,你会丢失数据。

  • 您根本没有保存lpBuffers->len到您的列表中,您假设lpBuffers->buf是一个以空字符结尾的字符串,这很可能不是 99.99999% 的情况。因此,发送列表的代码无法知道要给予的正确长度_WSASend()

  • _WSASend()您在发送列表中的数据时完全忽略了输出。

  • 当鼠标按钮未按下时,如果您的列表不为空,则您仅发送列表中的第一条记录,并完全忽略调用者的新数据,永远丢失。您需要:

    • 如果调用后列表不为空,则将调用者的新数据附加到列表的末尾_WSASend()

    • 发送列表中的所有内容,然后将调用者的新数据提供给_WSASend().


int WSAAPI __WSASend(SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine)
    *lpNumberOfBytesSent = 0; 

    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_XBUTTON1) < 0)
        for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwBufferCount; ++i)
            auto &buffer = lpBuffers[i];
            records.emplace_back(buffer.buf, buffer.len);
            *lpNumberOfBytesSent += buffer.len;

        return 0;

    if (!records.empty())
        WSABUF buffer;
        DWORD numSent;
        auto &rec = records[0];
            buffer.buf = rec.data();
            buffer.len = rec.size();
            if (_WSASend(s, &buffer, 1, &numSent, 0, nullptr, nullptr) == SOCKET_ERROR)
                return SOCKET_ERROR;
            rec.erase(0, numSent);
        while (!rec.empty());
        return 0;

    return _WSASend(s, lpBuffers, dwBufferCount, lpNumberOfBytesSent, dwFlags, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine);


int WSAAPI __WSASend(SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine)
    *lpNumberOfBytesSent = 0; 

    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_XBUTTON1) < 0)
        for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwBufferCount; ++i)
            auto &buffer = lpBuffers[i];
            records.emplace_back(buffer.buf, buffer.len);
            *lpNumberOfBytesSent += buffer.len;

        return 0;

    while (!records.empty())
        WSABUF buffer;
        DWORD numSent;
        auto &rec = records[0];
            buffer.buf = rec.data();
            buffer.len = rec.size();
            if (_WSASend(s, &buffer, 1, &numSent, 0, nullptr, nullptr) == SOCKET_ERROR)
                return SOCKET_ERROR;
            rec.erase(0, numSent);
        while (!rec.empty());

    return _WSASend(s, lpBuffers, dwBufferCount, lpNumberOfBytesSent, dwFlags, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine);
