首页 > 解决方案 > Python从数字系统转换为数字系统


在课堂上,我们获得了编写脚本以将数字系统转换为数字系统的任务(例如从十六进制转换为对偶等)。我不期望完整的代码,只是想展示我的,它可以工作,但我觉得它很糟糕(我们只有 3 周的 python)。有什么改进的建议吗?就像我说的,作业已经完成并且已经上交,但我想改进;)

       if aw == "q" or aw == "1" or aw == "2" or aw == "3" or aw == "4":
            done = False
            print("\n Keine gültige Auswahl bitte versuchen Sie es erneut ")
    return aw

def ag(blacklist):              
    done = True
    while done:
        if blacklist !="1":
            print ("(d) Dezimal")
        if blacklist !="2":
            print ("(b) Binär")
        if blacklist !="3":
            print ("(h) Hexadezimal")
        if blacklist !="4":
            print ("(o) Oktal")
        if blacklist !="q":
            print ("(q) Beenden")
        print ("")

        ag = input("Ihre Wahl")
        if ag == "d" or ag == "b" or ag == "h" or ag == "o" or ag == "q":
            done = False
            print("\n Keine gültige Auswahl bitte versuchen Sie es erneut ")
        return ag
def convertToOctal(decimal):
    # slice off the first two characters and return the rest
    return str(oct(decimal))[2:]

def convertToHex(decimal):
    # slice off the first two characters and return the rest
    return str(hex(decimal))[2:]

def convertToBinary(decimal):
    # slice off the first two characters and return the rest
    return str(bin(decimal))[2:]

def convertToDecimal(number, base, validBases = [2, 8, 16]):
      Returns the number (given in string format) in the specified base
    if base not in validBases:
        raise Exception("Invalid base")
    return int(number, base)

标签: pythonnumberssystem


考虑到你正在学习 Python 3 周,你做得很好。你只需要学习 Python 中已有的内置函数以及它们是如何工作的。

def convertToOctal(decimal):
    # slice off the first two characters and return the rest
    return str(oct(decimal))[2:]

def convertToHex(decimal):
    # slice off the first two characters and return the rest
    return str(hex(decimal))[2:]

def convertToBinary(decimal):
    # slice off the first two characters and return the rest
    return str(bin(decimal))[2:]

def convertToDecimal(number, base, validBases = [2, 8, 16]):
      Returns the number (given in string format) in the specified base
    if base not in validBases:
        raise Exception("Invalid base")
    return int(number, base)

