首页 > 解决方案 > 创建一个自定义 BindableProperty,它采用 XAML 中基础返回类型的自定义定义字符串表示形式


我正在尝试为自BindableProperty定义视图创建一个自定义,该视图在通过 XAML 使用时接收一个字符串,但在内部实现为自定义结构,如下所示:

struct X {
   public Y A;
   public Z B;
   // Y and Z are data types
   // pertaining to a struct
public class MyView : CustomView {
  public static readonly BindableProperty 
      MyValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create
                         (propertyName: "MyValue",
                          returnType: typeof(string),
                          declaringType: typeof(MyView),
                          defaultValue: null,
                          defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
                          propertyChanged: MyValuePropertyChanged);
  static void MyValuePropertyChanged(BindableObject obj, object oldValue, object newValue) {
    MyView view = (MyView)obj;
    string enteredStringValue = (string)newValue;
    // Set the MyValue field as required
  public X MyValue {
      // Implement getters and setters

我最初创建上述属性的本能是声明上述字段并X针对方法中string传入的 XAML生成所需的结构实例MyValuePropertyChanged,但这被认为是不可能的,因为在运行时抛出异常表示此类声明的非法性.

在概要中,我试图复制Xamarin.Forms.GridLength结构的行为,其在 XAML 代码中的字符串表示在通过 getter 和 setter 访问时被转换为所需的结构。


标签: c#xamarinxamarin.formsbindableproperty



public static readonly BindableProperty 
      MyValueProperty = BindableProperty.Create
                         (propertyName: nameof(MyValue),
                          returnType: typeof(X),
                          declaringType: typeof(MyView),
                          defaultValue: null,
                          defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
                          propertyChanged: MyValuePropertyChanged);
struct X; // Declaration omitted in answer

class XConverter : TypeConverter {
   public override object 
        ConvertFromInvariantString(string value) {
      if (value == null) return null;
      // Return the object corresponding to the passed
      // string representation of the said object

Xamarin 预定义的转换器也可以在需要时使用,如下所示:

public static readonly BindableProperty
   SizeProperty = BindableProperty.Create
                  (propertyName: nameof(Size),
                   returnType: typeof(double),
                   declaringType: typeof(TestClass));
public double Size {
   get => (double)GetValue(SizeProperty);
   set => SetValue(SizeProperty, value);
