首页 > 解决方案 > 通过 Python 计算快速排序期间对列表的总访问量


我的任务是通过 Python 计算快速排序程序中的列表访问总数。请检查以下代码:

arr1 = [4, 5, 3, 7, 2]
def inplace_quick_sort(arr, a, b, y):
    count = y
    count += 1  # for the access to the "a" element in the list while calling the function
    if a >= b:

    count += 1  # access for arr[b]
    pivot = arr[b]
    left = a
    right = b - 1
    while left <= right:

        count += 1  # access for arr[left]
        while left <= right and arr[left] <= pivot:
            left += 1

        count += 1  # access for arr[right]
        while left <= right and pivot < arr[right]:
            right -= 1

        if left <= right:
            count += 4  # access for swap left and right
            arr[left], arr[right] = arr[right], arr[left]
            left, right = left + 1, right - 1

    count += 4  # access for swap left and last
    arr[left], arr[b] = arr[b], arr[left]
    inplace_quick_sort(arr, a, left - 1, count)
    inplace_quick_sort(arr, left + 1, b, count)

x = 0
print("count = " + str(inplace_quick_sort(arr1, 0, len(arr1) - 1, x)))


count = 8

我不明白关于“计数”的迭代。为什么“计数”等于 8?“计数”假设大于 8。抱歉,我在代码中犯了一些错误。我修改了它,仍然得到有线输出。我很感激你的任何指导。非常感谢。

标签: pythoncountiterationquicksort



  1. 保留count为全局变量,以便inplace_quick_sort()函数末尾的每个分支都更新相同的计数器。y从函数定义和用法中删除,并以global count.

  2. count += 1之前的两个while应该就在每个循环的内部/开始处,while因为每个 while 循环都在访问arr[left]arr[right]。因此,该计数器应在每次迭代时递增while

  3. 对于 statements while left <= right and arr[left] <= pivot,没有必要arr[left]访问 - 如果left <= right为 False,则arr[left] <= pivot永远不会评估,arr[left]也不会访问。这必须分成不同的步骤:

  4. 该行应该被删除,因为a当你调用它时它只会被访问一次。剩下的时间,它是递归的,所以更新count 那里。

    • count += 1 # for the access to the "a" element in the list while calling the function
  5. 如果数组“访问”只包括读取而不包括写入,那么这两count += 4行应该是 just count += 2。我已按照您的代码保留它,相应地对其进行更改或保持原样。

def inplace_quick_sort(arr, a, b):
    global count
    if a >= b:

    count += 1  # access for arr[b]
    pivot = arr[b]
    left = a
    right = b - 1
    while left <= right:

        while left <= right:
            count += 1  # access for arr[left]
            if arr[left] <= pivot:
                left += 1
                break  # needed to match the original while-logic

        while left <= right:
            count += 1  # access for arr[right]
            if pivot < arr[right]:
                right -= 1
                break  # needed to match the original while-logic

        if left <= right:
            count += 4  # access for swap left and right
            arr[left], arr[right] = arr[right], arr[left]
            left, right = left + 1, right - 1

    count += 4  # access for swap left and last
    # print(count)
    arr[left], arr[b] = arr[b], arr[left]
    inplace_quick_sort(arr, a, left - 1)
    inplace_quick_sort(arr, left + 1, b)


arr1 = [4, 5, 3, 7, 2]
count = 1  # because you sart with `len(arr1)`
inplace_quick_sort(arr1, 0, len(arr1) - 1)
print("count = ", count)
print('array afer:', arr1)


count =  30
array afer: [2, 3, 4, 5, 7]


  • 应用上述更改,但跳过 #1。
  • if a >= b: return声明应该是if a >= b: return count
  • 每次调用都inplace_quick_sort应该增加前一个count,并确保return count在最后:
    • count = inplace_quick_sort(arr, a, left - 1, count)
      count = inplace_quick_sort(arr, left + 1, b, count)
      return count

