首页 > 解决方案 > Is there a way to add traceability of source file in fmus?


When a developer generates an fmu of a model from the working package (say Library.Package.ForFMUExport.MyModel), the downstream users can check the source model information(Library_Package_ForFMUExport_MyModel), time of generation, tool it was generated form etc. from ModelDescription.xml.

However, the source Modelica models do get updated in repositories and there could be multiple developers with dev branches from which fmu can be generated, and these fmus can get shared between other users/teams. Now, if the downstream user wants to trace back to the original Modelica file, it is hard to track the right version from the information in xml file. Has anyone figured out a solution or best practice to handle this or add traceability in fmus?

This may not have a standard solution, but I wanted to check if there are workarounds or processes the FMI user community is been utilizing to trace right version of the source model. (or maybe there is a standard solution that I am not aware of)

标签: modelicafmi


这甚至可能取决于您的 Modelica 库开发工作流程。如果您使用正确的 Modelica 库版本控制,一些/许多 FMU 导出工具会将 Modelica 库版本作为版本元数据包含在 FMI 模型描述中。当然,导出工具甚至可以从您的源代码版本控制系统中添加修订(和状态)。但我还没有看到它。
