首页 > 解决方案 > 使用递归找到一对中的目标差异



>>> aList = [5, 4, 8, -3, 6]
>>> target = 9
return True

>>> aList = [-1, 5, 4]
>>> target = 3
return False


def calculate(aList, target):

    if len(aList) == 0 and diff != 0:
        return False

    startIndex = 0
    endIndex = len(aList) - 1

    return resursive_sum(aList, target, startIndex, endIndex)

def resursive_sum(aList, targ, start, end):

    print(f'Start: {start}')
    print(f'End: {end}')

    if start == end:
        return False
    elif aList[end] - aList[start] == targ:
        return True
    elif aList[end] - aList[start] < targ:
        return resursive_sum(values, targ, start, end - 1)
    return resursive_sum(aList, targ, start + 1, end)


标签: pythonrecursion



假设您正在尝试达到差异目标t = 5并且您正在评估任意元素8。只有两个值允许8在集合中有补码:8 + 5 = 138 - 5 = 3

如果313曾经在任何先前的元素中,您就会知道该集合有一对补码。否则,你会想要记录8已经看到的事实。因此,如果3后来发现,8将被查询,3 + 5 = 8将被考虑。


  • (基本情况)在列表的末尾
  • 有一个当前元素a,例如a + ta - t已经看到
  • 记录当前元素已经被看到并转到下一个元素

理想情况下,这在最坏的情况下应该具有 O(n) 时间复杂度和 O(n) 空间复杂度(假设通过引用传递或类似的有效实现,以及摊销的常数时间集查询)。它也可以使用基本数组来实现,但我不会说这更好(在 python 中)。


编辑 1:希望你有足够的时间让它工作。我描述的方法可以如下完成:

def hasDiffRecur(L, t, i, C):
    Recursive version to see if list has difference
    :param L: List to be considered
    :param t: Target difference
    :param i: Current index to consider
    :param C: Cache set
    # We've reached the end. Give up
    if i >= len(L): 
        return False
    print(f" > L[{i}] = {L[i]:2}; is {L[i]-t:3} or {L[i]+t:2} in {C}")
    # Has the complement been cached?
    if L[i] - t in C: 
        print(f"! Difference between {L[i]} and {L[i]-t} is {t}")
        return True
    if L[i] + t in C: 
        print(f"! Difference between {L[i]} and {L[i]+t} is {t}")
        return True
    # Complement not seen yet. Cache element and go to next element
    return hasDiffRecur(L, t, i+1, C)


def hasDiff(L, t):
    Initialized call for hasDiffRecur. Also prints intro message. 
    See hasDiffRecur for param info
    print(f"\nIs a difference of {t} present in {L}?")
    return hasDiffRecur(L, t, 0, set())


hasDiff([5, 4, 8, -3, 6], 9)
hasDiff([-1, 5, 4], 3)
hasDiff([-1, 5, 4, -1, 7], 0) # If concerned about set non-duplicity 


Is a difference of 9 present in [5, 4, 8, -3, 6]?
 > L[0] =  5; is  -4 or 14 in set()
 > L[1] =  4; is  -5 or 13 in {5}
 > L[2] =  8; is  -1 or 17 in {4, 5}
 > L[3] = -3; is -12 or  6 in {8, 4, 5}
 > L[4] =  6; is  -3 or 15 in {8, -3, 4, 5}
! Difference between 6 and -3 is 9

Is a difference of 3 present in [-1, 5, 4]?
 > L[0] = -1; is  -4 or  2 in set()
 > L[1] =  5; is   2 or  8 in {-1}
 > L[2] =  4; is   1 or  7 in {5, -1}

Is a difference of 0 present in [-1, 5, 4, -1, 7]?
 > L[0] = -1; is  -1 or -1 in set()
 > L[1] =  5; is   5 or  5 in {-1}
 > L[2] =  4; is   4 or  4 in {5, -1}
 > L[3] = -1; is  -1 or -1 in {4, 5, -1}
! Difference between -1 and -1 is 0



如果预先分配给列表范围大小的概念仍然是太多的迭代,我可以考虑递归实现的穷举方法。可能有一种更有效的方法,但您可以将问题归结为类似双循环的问题(O(n^2) 时间复杂度)。这是一个微不足道的算法,我认为您无需文档即可理解它,因此我将其放入其中以使其完整:

def hasDiffRecur(L, t, i = 0, j = 1):
    if i >= len(L): return False
    if j >= len(L): return hasDiffRecur(L, t, i+1, i+2)
    if abs(L[i] - L[j]) == t: return True
    return hasDiffRecur(L, t, i, j+1)


print(hasDiffRecur([5, 4, 8, -3, 6], 9))  # True
print(hasDiffRecur([-1, 5, 4], 3))        # False
print(hasDiffRecur([-1, 5, 4, -1, 7], 0)) # True
