首页 > 解决方案 > 两个元组之间的最低正差


如果我有一个按第一个元素排序的数组:[(2021/01/01, 100), (2021/01/02, 5320), ..., (2021/01/07, 23)],如何我是否输出一个数组,使得每个元素保存从输入元组 t 到输入数组中的未来日期之间的天数,其中元组 t 中的数字与未来日期元组中的数字之间的正差最小。

例如,[(2021/01/01, 100), (2021/01/02, 5320), (2021/01/04, 5319), (2021/01/09, 23)] 有解决方案:


解释:对于第一个,100 和 23 最接近,9 - 1 = 8。


for i from 0 to n-1:
    m = inf
    for j from 1 to n:
        if a[i].value >= a[j].value and a[i].value - a[j].value < m:
               m = a[i].value - a[j].value
               update the current min date difference
    add to list of min date differences

return that list


标签: algorithm


您可以以相反的顺序访问输入,并从已访问的值中构建平衡的搜索树(例如 AVL、红黑、B 树……),按元组的数字部分排序。




function compare(x, y):  # two elements from the input array
    if x.value === y.value:  # equal? then prefer the earliest date:
        return x.date - y.date  # assuming this returns a signed number of days
        return x.value - y.value

function getResult(a):
    tree = AVL(compare)  # keeps order by using the given compare function
    result = array(len(a))  # array of same length as a
    for i from n-1 downto 0:
        days = infinity
        node = tree.add(a[i])  # create an AVL node, insert it in the tree and return it
        successor = node.next()  # can return NIL when there is no successor
        if successor != NIL:
            days = abs(successor.date - node.date)
        predecessor = node.previous()
        if predecessor != NIL:
            days = min(days, abs(predecessor.date - node.date)
        result[i] = days

    result[n-1] = 0  # Optional, when you prefer 0 there instead of infinity
    return result
