首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将不能被2整除的数组中的数字添加元素


我正在尝试编写一个 C++ 程序,该程序在数组中添加不能被 2 整除的元素。我在主函数中初始化了我的数组并创建了另一个函数,其中使用 for 循环和 if 语句,我尝试提取数组中不能被 2 整除的数字。在我运行程序之前一切似乎都很好,它打印了几个我似乎无法理解的数字

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;
//sum of all numbers that are not divisible by 2
int findDivisibleNumbers(int a[], int n, int sumofnumbers)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i % 2 != 0)
            sumofnumbers = sumofnumbers + a[i];

            cout << "Sum of values not divisible by 2 = " << sumofnumbers << endl;
    return 0;

int main()
`  int arrayOfCrazyNumbers[] = { 11,2446,2343,144,65,26,17,8,29,10,238126,1912338 };
   findDivisibleNumbers(arrayOfCrazyNumbers, sizeof(arrayOfCrazyNumbers), 0);



Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 0
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2446
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2446
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2590
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2590
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2616
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2616
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2624
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2624
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2634
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 2634
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1914972
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1914972
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = -857078488
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = -857078488
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = -1716071948
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = -1716071948
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = -1716071937
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = -1716071937
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1738090781
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1738090781
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1739319245
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1739319245
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1743381485
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1743381485
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1743381486
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1743381486
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1754875318
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1754875318
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1766408486
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1766408486
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1770470818
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 1770470818
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 929666308
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 929666308
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 930850097
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 932097113
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 932097113
Sum of values not divisible by 2 = 932097113

C:\COM205_ProgrammingTwo2021Q1\CPlusPlus\BasicDataTypeMemoryAndPointersPt1\Debug\BasicDataTypeMemoryAndPointersPt1.exe (process 21016) exited with code 0.
To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops.
Press any key to close this window . . .


标签: c++


正如到处所说,最大的问题是您滥用sizeof(). sizeof()以字节为单位告诉您某些内容的大小。如果您想要数组的长度并想继续使用sizeof(),则需要考虑每个元素的大小。

sizeof(arrayOfCrazyNumbers) / sizeof(arrayOfCrazyNumbers[0])

这是数组的总字节数除以 an int(可能是 4)中的字节数,得到int数组中的数字 s。这为您提供了正确的范围,但您对错误的元素求和。

问题是i % 2 != 0i只是一个计数,而不是数组的元素。你想要a[i] % 2。你可以省略!= 0,它是多余的。


但是等等,你标记了这个 C++,这是一种非常 C 的做事方式。您可以使用std::array,它知道自己的大小,并且不需要您计算或传递它。

您还需要更好地利用您的功能。名字没了 它的工作实际上不是找到可整除的数字,它的工作是对奇数求和。所以我们要改名字。我在选择sum_odds。您传递一个包含总和的变量作为参数,但您通过值而不是通过引用传递它,并且您还将函数标记为返回一个 int,但无论如何都只返回 0。通过引用(输出参数)传递 sum 变量,或者实际返回 sum 而不是 0。main()应该总是返回 0,这是我们应该如何编写函数的一个例外。我将选择返回总和并在 main 中进行打印。毕竟,新的函数名不是sum_odds_and_print.

也不要using namespace std;。这是不好的做法,也是一个很难改掉的习惯。

#include <array>
#include <iostream>

// sum of all numbers that are not divisible by 2
int sum_odds(const std::array<int, 12>& a) {
  int oddSum = 0;
  for (auto i : a) {  // range-based for loop
    if (i % 2) oddSum += i;
  return oddSum;

int main() {
  std::array<int, 12> arrayOfCrazyNumbers{11, 2446, 2343, 144, 65,     26,
                                          17, 8,    29,   10,  238126, 1912338};
  int oddSum = sum_odds(arrayOfCrazyNumbers);
  std::cout << "Sum of odd numbers: " << oddSum << '\n';

代码还有另一个变化,那就是使用基于范围的 for 循环。当您想要遍历每个元素时,这是一种速记。在这种情况下,i不再是计数变量,而是i在循环时保存数组中每个元素的值。

我仍然不会称之为理想,因为数组大小是其定义的一部分。我可以使用常量或宏,但是嗯。我们将从 切换std::arraystd::vector。对于这个程序的所有意图和目的,我们可以把它想象成一个数组,除了我不必一直指定大小,它知道自己的大小。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

// sum of all numbers that are not divisible by 2
int sum_odds(const std::vector<int>& a) {
  int oddSum = 0;
  for (auto i : a) {  // range-based for loop
    if (i % 2) oddSum += i;
  return oddSum;

int main() {
  std::vector<int> arrayOfCrazyNumbers{11, 2446, 2343, 144, 65,     26,
                                          17, 8,    29,   10,  238126, 1912338};
  int oddSum = sum_odds(arrayOfCrazyNumbers);
  std::cout << "Sum of odd numbers: " << oddSum << '\n';


#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>  // std::accumulate()
#include <vector>

// sum of all numbers that are not divisible by 2
int sum_odds(const std::vector<int>& a) {
  return std::accumulate(a.begin(), a.end(), 0,
                         [](int sum, int i) { return sum += i % 2 ? i : 0; });

int main() {
  std::vector<int> arrayOfCrazyNumbers{11, 2446, 2343, 144, 65,     26,
                                       17, 8,    29,   10,  238126, 1912338};
  int oddSum = sum_odds(arrayOfCrazyNumbers);
  std::cout << "Sum of odd numbers: " << oddSum << '\n';

我知道这可能看起来像胡言乱语,这很好。随着您继续学习编程和 [希望] C++,这将更有意义。最疯狂的语法可以通过查找 lambdas 和三元运算符来学习。我推荐网站https://cppreference.com
