首页 > 解决方案 > Make map return Nothing if one of the elements producing Nothing


I am trying to implement Huffman compression in Haskell for learning purposes. So far I can successfully create the correct tree for a given String and I can get the correct path to a character from a specific tree. The signature of that function is like this:

getPath :: HuffmanTree -> Char -> Maybe String

It returns a Just String where '0' represents the left and '1' the right branch. If the character isn't contained in the tree it returns Nothing. My next step is to pass it a whole String and turn it to an encoded String of 1s and 0s. The method should return Nothing, if one of the characters is not found in the tree, accordingly the function signature should look like this:

encode :: HuffmanTree -> String -> Maybe String

My current Method of doing this is like this:

encode tree str =
let encodings = map (\e -> getPath tree e) str
    if elem Nothing encodings
    then Nothing
        let encodings' = map fromJust encodings
        in Just (foldl (++) "" encodings')

But this doesn't seem to be a very elegant way of solving this. I know, I can abort everything if the first getPath returns Nothing, so every evaluation after that is unnecessary. I feel like, there is a fancy monadic way to do this right, but I couldn't think of one and I don't really know what to search for. Or is this the right way and just let laziness take care of everything?

标签: haskellfunctional-programming



encode tree str = fmap concat $ traverse (\e -> getPath tree e) str


encode tree = fmap concat . traverse (getPath tree)

