首页 > 解决方案 > R - Data.table 聚合 - 需要哪种类型的连接?



Data.table 结构如下所示。我有两个彼此相似但结构相同的 data.table。它需要“合并”到第一个表,但还需要在第二个表中保留具有不匹配行/值的行。N_Events是按 分组的事件的计数器变量Date。每个表都存储计数器变量。


Date_1       N_Events_1
1990-01-01   1 
1992-02-01   3
1992-02-01   3
1992-02-01   3
1997-04-01   2
1997-04-01   2

Date_2       N_Events_2
1990-01-01   1 
1992-02-01   4
1992-02-01   4
1992-02-01   4
1992-02-01   4
1999-04-01   1

我很想提取每个唯一日期的 N_events以获取下表,然后加入它们。我也很想将中间结果存储在 dt 中。

# Intermediate aggregation results stored in dt_summ_1
Date_1       N_Events_1
1990-01-01   1 
1992-02-01   3
1997-04-01   2

# Intermediate aggregation results stored in dt_summ_2
Date_2       N_Events_2
1990-01-01   1 
1992-02-01   4
1999-04-01   1

Date         N_Events_1   N_Events_2
1990-01-01   1            1
1992-02-01   3            4
1997-04-01   2            NA
1999-04-01   NA           1   
# NAs could also be stored as zero as I subsequently convert 
# the NAs to zero to allow plotting the time series of N_Events 1 & 2


setkey(dt, Date)
dt_1[, N_Events, by = Date] # not giving me unique dates
dt_1[, .(unique(Date), N_Events)] # warning about item 1 (being date) being recycled with remainder

merge(dt_1, dt_2, by.x = "Date_1", by.y = "Date_2, all = TRUE) 
# Errors in 185736 rows; more than 37510 = nrow(x)+nrow(i). 
# Check for duplicate key values in i each of which join to the 
# same group in x over and over again.


标签: rdatatable


如果我没记错的话,我认为你应该寻找full_join()dplyr 包的功能。您将在日期列上将它们连接在一起。如果一个 df 中缺少日期,它将在相应的事件 1 或 2 列中给出 NA。
