首页 > 解决方案 > 如何解决在 Sybase 中配置 Replication 服务器时无法连接到 RSSD 服务器


I. 2021/03/02 20:28:09. RSSD server is 'ASE1'.
I. 2021/03/02 20:28:09. Reading 'ASE1.RS1_RSSD..rs_config' for system configuration parameters.
E. 2021/03/02 20:28:09. ERROR #31083 GLOBAL RS(GLOBAL RS) - eneric/cfg/cfginit.c(3492)
Cannot connect to RSSD server. ct_connect failed.
E. 2021/03/02 20:28:09. ERROR #1027 GLOBAL RS(GLOBAL RS) - eneric/cfg/cfginit.c(3492)
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 84083972, Severity 5 -- 'ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed', Operating System error 111 -- 'Socket connect failed - errno 111 Connection refused'.
F. 2021/03/02 20:28:09. FATAL ERROR #18028 GLOBAL RS(GLOBAL RS) - /servmain/servmain.c(345)
Initialization failed. Server is shutting down.

当我运行 RUN_RS1 作为我工作的一部分时,发生了上述错误。

[root@node1]# cat RUN_RS1
# Runserver file for Replication Server 'RS1'. Created by rs_init.   
/opt/sybase_rs/REP-16_0/bin/repserver -SRS1 -C/sybase_rs/RS.cfg \
-E/opt/sybase_rs/RS.log -I/opt/sybase_rs/interfaces 
 1>>/sybase_rs/RS1.stdout \
 2>>/sybase_rs/RS1.stderr \

rs_init 在此之前完成,这也是成功的。在运行 ASE1 时使用了资源文件(这里太大了不提了)。要检查我使用 isql 登录的数据库,但我在那里也失败了。

[root@node1 bin]# ./isql -Usa -S10.167.2.11:4904

The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization f 
One or more following problems may caused the failure

Cannot access the sybase home directory, please check environment 
variable SYBASE or ~sybase
An error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related 

即使在采购了与sybase相关的环境后,上述命令也没有成功。SYBASE.env。由于此错误,甚至 ASE 也没有运行。

[root@node1 sybase_rs]# source SYBASE.env
[root@node1 sybase_rs]# ./SYBASE.sh
[root@node1 sybase_rs]# echo $SYBASE
[root@node1 sybase_rs]# cd OCS-16_0/bin
[root@node1 bin]# pwd
[root@node1 bin]# ./isql -v
SAP CTISQL Utility/16.0 SP03 PL08/P-EBF29213/DRV. 
 x86_64/Linux 2.6.18-128.el5 x86_64/BUILD1600-025/64bit/OPT/Fri Jan 10 
01:27:42 2020

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标签: sybasesybase-rs

