首页 > 解决方案 > Error when make a build of the game in Uneral Engine


When I try to make a build, I'm getting error

Cannot open include file: 'Actions/PawnAction.h': No such file or directory

enter image description here

But I have this file in Visual Studio

enter image description here

标签: c++unreal-engine4


You need to include AIModule in your module dependencies.

Source: JamieDale from UE4 Q&A site:

Right, so if your game was called "MyGame", then you'd have a file called "MyGame.Build.cs" inside the "Source\MyGame" folder.

This file tells the UnrealBuildTool (UBT) what to do when building your game.

In there you should see an array for PrivateDependencyModuleNames and/or PublicDependencyModuleNames - this tells UBT which modules need to be linked when building your game, so you'll need to add "AIModule" to one of those.
