首页 > 解决方案 > Discord Bot DM 问卷调查 discord py


我基本上是在尝试制作一个应用程序/问卷调查不和谐机器人。触发后,机器人应该通过 dm 通知用户并询问用户是否要继续。用户回复“继续”,机器人从第一个问题开始,等待用户的回复。Bot 然后接受响应并存储它并继续下一个问题并循环直到它完成最后一个问题。我被困在机器人发送第一个问题的部分,当我回答时我没有得到任何回应。任何帮助,将不胜感激。

PS。我对python和discord py还很陌生

async def apply(ctx):
    Name = ''
    Age = ''
    user = ctx.author
    name = ctx.author.display_name
    q = ['What is your full real name?',
                 'What is your age?']
    i = 0
    message = 'Thank you ' + name + \
    ' for taking interest in Narcos City Police Department. You will be asked a series of question which you are required to answer to the fullest of your ability.   Please reply with *proceed* to start your application.'
    embedmsg =discord.Embed(title = 'NARCOS CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT', color = Police)
    embedmsg.set_thumbnail(url = thumbnail)
    embedmsg.add_field(name = 'Human Resources:', value = message)

#initial bot response
    dmchannel = await ctx.author.send(embed=embedmsg)

    def check(m):
        return m.author == ctx.author and m.channel == ctx.author.dm_channel
    msg = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check)
    if msg.content == 'proceed':
            async def askq(q):
                await ctx.author.send(q)
                return msg.content
            Name = await askq(q[0])
            Age = await askq(q[1])

标签: pythondiscorddiscord.py



    async def apply(ctx):
        await ctx.author.send("Filler") # Sends a message to the author

        questions = ["", "", ""] # Create your list of answers

        answers = [] # Empty list as the user will input the answers

        def check(m):
            return ctx.author == m.author and isinstance(m.channel, discord.DMChannel) # Check that the messages were sent in DM by the right author

        for i in questions:
            await ctx.author.send(i) # Sends the questions one after another
                msg = await bot.wait_for('message', timeout=XXX, check=check)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                await ctx.author.send("Timeout message.")
                return # Will no longer proceed, user has to run the command again
                answers.append(msg) # Appends the answers, proceed

        channel = bot.get_channel(ChannelID)
        e = discord.Embed(color=ctx.author.color)
        e.title = "New application"
        e.description = f"First answer: {answers[0].content} [...]"
        await channel.send(embed=e)


  • 内置不同的检查,以确保命令作者在 DM 频道中发送了答案
  • 将答案放入列表 ( answers.append(msg))
  • 将答案嵌入到您选择的频道中



                preply = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=check, timeout=43200)
                while preply.content != "proceed": # If answer is not "proceed"
                    await ctx.author.send("If you want to proceed please run the command again and type `proceed`")
                    preply = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=check, timeout=XXX)
                await ctx.author.send("We will now proceed.") # If answer is "proceed"
                [Rest of the code above in the right indentation.)
