首页 > 解决方案 > 重载运算符时如何放置 6 个值?但是值也可以在之后添加?


好的,我知道这看起来很复杂。从代码开始,必须取 2 个字符串 2 个 int 数字并根据输入将它们粉碎在一起,然后输出结果,如下所示:

输入:戴夫 8 杰西卡 7

输出:戴夫和杰西卡 15


我尝试将 name1 或 name2 之类的字符串放入 DancerPoints 类,但我找不到与输入连接的方法,我的意思是它存在但无法获得输入。

我也尝试直接将值放入参数中,但它说运算符只能取 2 个值,但我需要 6 个!4 代表舞者,2 代表管理。

此时它只获取 firstdancer 的字符串和 int 并使用它,但我不知道如何添加 seconddancer 的值。

我正在为此工作 3 个晚上,我不知道还能做什么?:(

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Code_Coach_Challenge
    class Program
        // I tried putting values here with public but why that not workked I dont know :(

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string name1 = Console.ReadLine();
            int points1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            string name2 = Console.ReadLine();
            int points2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            DancerPoints dancer1 = new DancerPoints(name1, points1);
            DancerPoints dancer2 = new DancerPoints(name2, points2);

            DancerPoints total = dancer1 + dancer2;

    class DancerPoints
        public string name;
        public int points;
                            // I tried putting values here no luck.error CS7036
        public DancerPoints(string name, int points)
            this.name = name;
            this.points = points;
                                  // I tried putting values here no luck.error CS7036

        //overload the + operator
        public static DancerPoints operator+ (DancerPoints n, DancerPoints p)
                                     // I tried putting values here no luck.error CS7036
            string name = n.name + " & " + n.name;
            int points = p.points + p.points;
            DancerPoints res = new DancerPoints(name, points);

            return res;

标签: c#operator-overloading



  1. 询问姓名1
  2. 求积分1
  3. 询问姓名2
  4. 求积分2
  5. 打印{Name1} & {Name2} {Points1 + Points2}
string name1 = Console.ReadLine();
int points1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
string name2 = Console.ReadLine();
int points2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

string output = $"{name1} & {name2} {points1 + points2}"



class Dancer
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public int Score {get;set;}

var dancers = new List<Dancer>
    new Dancer { Name = "David", Score = 8 },
    new Dancer { Name = "Jessica", Score = 7 },
    new Dancer { Name = "Sally", Score = 6 },

var allNames = string.Join(" & ", dancers.Select(x => x.Name));
var totalScore = dancers.Sum(x => x.Score);
var output = $"{allNames} {totalScore}"


大卫 & 杰西卡 & 莎莉 21

