首页 > 解决方案 > Flutter video_compress 然后 ffmpeg 将视频修剪到 30 秒失败,日志无穷无尽


我正在尝试在 Flutter 中制作一个简单的应用程序。用户可以拍摄或选择视频,然后上传。但是,我想压缩视频以在 firebase 存储上进行存储,并将其修剪为仅获得前 30 秒。

我面临一个非常令人费解的问题。我可以压缩视频,但是使用生成的文件,FFmpeg 无法修剪它,并且我得到无穷无尽的日志,这导致我不得不停止应用程序并重新运行。或者,我可以修剪视频,但使用生成的文件,我无法压缩它,出现错误: Failed to open file '/data/user/0/live.roots.roots/app_flutter/TRIMMED.mp4'. (No such file or directory) PlatformException(error, java.io.IOException: Failed to instantiate extractor., null, java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Failed to instantiate extractor.


//! function that controls file compression and trimming
static Future<File> compressFile(File file) async {
    print('[COMPRESSING FILE]');

    String mimeStr = lookupMimeType(file.path);
    var fileType = mimeStr.split('/');

    if (fileType.contains("image")) {
      print('[COMPRESSING FILE] - file is image');
      String tempPath = (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path;
      String targetPath = '$tempPath/${DateTime.now().toIso8601String()}.jpg';
      return await compressImageAndGetFile(file, targetPath);
    } else {
      print('[COMPRESSING FILE] - file is video');

      final compressedVideoFile = await compressVideoAndGetFile(file);
      print('[VIDEO FILE COMPRESSED]');
      return await trimVideoGetFile(compressedVideoFile);
//! function to compress video
static Future<File> compressVideoAndGetFile(File file) async {
    print('[COMPRESSING VIDEO]');

    var result = await VideoCompress.compressVideo(
      quality: VideoQuality.DefaultQuality,
      deleteOrigin: true,

    print('[COMPRESSED VIDEO TO]: ${result.file.path}');

    return result.file;
//! function to trim video
static Future<File> trimVideoGetFile(File file) async {
    print('[TRIMMING VIDEO]');

    Directory appDocumentDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    String rawDocumentPath = appDocumentDir.path;
    String outputPath = rawDocumentPath + "/TRIMMED.mp4";

    final newFile = File(outputPath);

    if (await newFile.exists()) {
      await newFile.delete();

            "-ss 00:00:00 -i ${file.path} -to 00:00:30 -c copy $outputPath")
        .then((rt) async {
      print('[TRIMMED VIDEO RESULT] : $rt');
      if (rt == -1) {
        throw Exception("Something went wrong when trimming the video");

    return File(outputPath);


标签: fluttervideoffmpegcompression


Video_compress 包允许您在不需要 FFmpeg 的情况下修剪持续时间。

var result = await VideoCompress.compressVideo(
  quality: VideoQuality.DefaultQuality,
  deleteOrigin: true,
  startTime: 0, // customize start time
  duration: 30, // customize the length
