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Visual Basic 不是我的主要语言,我正试图帮助我的儿子完成一个学校项目,但惨遭失败。该程序假设读取一个文件,创建一个 ID 并将其保存到磁盘。一切正常,除了最后两个程序,确定最短游泳时间,(它这样做)但我试图将用户的名字分配给最快的游泳者,并在最后一个程序中显示获胜者和最短时间。



Public Class Form1
    Private Sub StartBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles StartBtn.Click
        Dim firstName(5) As String
        Dim surname(5) As String
        Dim age(5) As String
        Dim gender(5) As String
        Dim swimID(5) As String
        Dim time(5) As Single
        Dim fastestSwimmer As String
        Dim minTime As Single

        'Call Procedures
        Call GetDetails(firstName, surname, age, gender)
        Call CalcSwimID(swimID, firstName, surname, age, gender)
        Call RaceTimes(time, firstName, surname)
        Call CalcWinner(time, firstName, fastestSwimmer, minTime)
        'Call WinnersCircle(fastestSwimmer, minTime)
    End Sub

    'Get details from reading a file
    Private Shared Sub GetDetails(ByVal firstName As String(), ByVal surname As String(), ByVal age As String(), ByVal gender As String())
        Dim filename As String
        filename = "C:/Users/rk/source/repos/CleanFolder/SwimersChampionShip/details.txt"
        FileOpen(1, filename, OpenMode.Input)
        For counter = 1 To 5
            Input(1, firstName(counter))
            Input(1, surname(counter))
            Input(1, age(counter))
            Input(1, gender(counter))
    End Sub

    'Create a Swimmers ID and save it back to disk
    Private Shared Sub CalcSwimID(ByRef swimID As String(), ByRef firstName As String(), ByRef surname As String(), ByRef Age As String(), ByRef gender As String())
        Dim genderAscii(5) As Integer
        Dim firstCharacter(5) As String
        For counter = 1 To 5
            firstCharacter(counter) = firstName(counter).Substring(0, 1)
            genderAscii(counter) = Asc(gender(counter))
            swimID(counter) = genderAscii(counter) & "-" & firstCharacter(counter) & surname(counter) & "-" & Age(counter)
        Dim savedFile As String
        savedFile = ("C:/Users/rk/source/repos/CleanFolder/SwimersChampionShip/competitorsID.txt")
        FileOpen(1, savedFile, OpenMode.Output)
        For counter = 1 To 5
            PrintLine(1, swimID(counter))

    End Sub
    ' Gets the race times by input box
    Private Shared Sub RaceTimes(ByRef time As Single(), ByRef firstName As String(), ByRef surname As String())

        For counter = 1 To 5
            time(counter) = InputBox(" Please enter the swim times for " & firstName(counter) & " " & surname(counter))

    End Sub
    'This will calculate the winner
    Private Sub CalcWinner(ByRef time As Single(), ByRef firstName As String(), ByVal fastestSwimmer As String, ByRef minTime As Single)
        minTime = time(1) And fastestSwimmer = firstName(1)
        For counter = 2 To 5
            If time(counter) < minTime Then
                minTime = time(counter) And fastestSwimmer = firstName(counter)
            End If
    End Sub

    ' Displays winner of the race to the winners circle, Gold medal will be sent by mail!
    Private Sub WinnersCircle(ByRef fastestSwimmer As String, ByRef minTime As Single)
        ListBox1.Items.Add("Congradulations " & fastestSwimmer & " you are the winner your time was " & minTime & " seconds. A new world record!")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged

    End Sub
End Class

标签: vba


在 CalcWinner 方法中,您以错误的方式使用 AND:

Private Sub CalcWinner(ByRef time As Single(), ByRef firstName As String(), ByVal 
fastestSwimmer As String, ByRef minTime As Single)
    minTime = time(1) 
    fastestSwimmer = firstName(1)
    For counter = 2 To 5
        If time(counter) < minTime Then
            minTime = time(counter) 
            fastestSwimmer = firstName(counter)
        End If
End Sub


minTime = time(1) And fastestSwimmer = firstName(1)

VB 将添加第一次(时间(1))和fastestSwimmer = firstName(1),这是0,因为fastestSwimmer 不等于firstName(1),因此计算结果为0
