首页 > 解决方案 > 旋转图片时VBA excel .Left .Top


我尝试了无数次,但我仍然有这个问题。我尝试使用 excel 中的宏将图片放入给定范围内。只要图片不旋转(方向= 0)就没有问题。但从图片旋转的那一刻起,一切都流血了。我已经发现图片的高度和宽度也是旋转的。但是 .top 和 .left 会发生什么?这是我的代码:

Function fotoInsert(ByVal PictureFileName As String, ByVal rng As Range)

    Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PictureFileName)
    If pic.ShapeRange.Rotation = 90 Then
        With pic
              'keep original aspect ratio
              .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
              'Picture's aspect is less than rng aspect then adjust the picture's width to fit rng
             If (pic.Width \ pic.Height) <= (rng.Height \ rng.Width) Then
                 .Width = rng.Height - 1 'pictures' width is the larger height, by this line it fits exactly into range width
                 .Left = rng.Left + ((rng.Width - pic.Height) / 2)
                 .Top = rng.Top + 1
             Else 'Picture's aspect is greater than rng aspect then adjust the picture's height to fit rng
                 .Width = rng.Height - 1 'picture's heigth is larger than its width, this line makes it exactly fit int range height
                 .Top = rng.Top
                 .Left = rng.Left
             End If
        .Placement = xlMoveAndSize
        .PrintObject = True
        End With
        With pic
         'keep original aspect ratio
         .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
         'Picture's aspect is less than rng aspect then adjust the picture's width to fit rng
            If (.Height \ .Width) <= (rng.Height \ rng.Width) Then
                .Width = rng.Width - 1 'pictures' width is the larger height, by this line it fits exactly into range width
                .Left = rng.Left + 1 'position at left range border
                .Top = rng.Top + ((rng.Height - pic.Height) / 2) 'position in center of range height
            Else 'Picture's aspect is greater than rng aspect then adjust the picture's height to fit rng
                .Top = rng.Top + 1 'position at upper border of the range[/color]
                .Height = rng.Height - 1 'picture's heigth is larger than its width, this line makes it exactly fit int range height
                .Left = rng.Left + ((rng.Width - pic.Width) / 2) 'position in center of range width
            End If
        .Placement = xlMoveAndSize
        .PrintObject = True 'make sure picture gets printed
        End With
    End If
End Function

所以问题出现在第一个 If 条件(旋转 = 90)中。在其他情况下,我似乎没有问题。



标签: excelvbaimagerotation




这个想法是用户选择图片(最多 4 张)并自动将它们排列和调整大小以适应一张预先确定的 Excel 表。因此,我制作了 4 个场景(具有不同的范围)如何将这些图片排列在一张纸上。这是通过 switch case 在另一个例程中完成的。

