首页 > 解决方案 > WeatherLine iOS 小部件背景渐变不透明度


我正在尝试使这个可编写脚本的 iOS 小部件的背景渐变更加透明,但我不知道怎么做,而且我对 JavaScript 不熟悉。



   let gradient = new LinearGradient()
   let gradientSettings = await setupGradient()
   gradient.colors = gradientSettings.color()
   gradient.locations = gradientSettings.position()  
   widget.backgroundGradient = gradient


// Set up the gradient for the widget background.
async function setupGradient() {
  // Requirements: sunrise
  if (!sunData) { await setupSunrise() }

  let gradient = {
    dawn: {
      color() { return [new Color("142C52"), new Color("1B416F"), new Color("62668B")] },
      position() { return [0, 0.5, 1] },

    sunrise: {
      color() { return [new Color("274875"), new Color("766f8d"), new Color("f0b35e")] },
      position() { return [0, 0.8, 1.5] },

    midday: {
      color() { return [new Color("3a8cc1"), new Color("90c0df")] },
      position() { return [0, 1] },

    noon: {
      color() { return [new Color("b2d0e1"), new Color("80B5DB"), new Color("3a8cc1")] },
      position() { return [-0.2, 0.2, 1.5] },

    sunset: {
      color() { return [new Color("32327A"), new Color("662E55"), new Color("7C2F43")] },
      position() { return [0.1, 0.9, 1.2] },

    twilight: {
      color() { return [new Color("021033"), new Color("16296b"), new Color("414791")] },
      position() { return [0, 0.5, 1] },

    night: {
      color() { return [new Color("16296b"), new Color("021033"), new Color("021033"), new Color("113245")] },
      position() { return [-0.5, 0.2, 0.5, 1] },

  const sunrise = sunData.sunrise
  const sunset = sunData.sunset

  // Use sunrise or sunset if we're within 30min of it.
  if (closeTo(sunrise)<=15) { return gradient.sunrise }
  if (closeTo(sunset)<=15) { return gradient.sunset }

  // In the 30min before/after, use dawn/twilight.
  if (closeTo(sunrise)<=45 && currentDate.getTime() < sunrise) { return gradient.dawn }
  if (closeTo(sunset)<=45 && currentDate.getTime() > sunset) { return gradient.twilight }

  // Otherwise, if it's night, return night.
  if (isNight(currentDate)) { return gradient.night }

  // If it's around noon, the sun is high in the sky.
  if (currentDate.getHours() == 12) { return gradient.noon }

  // Otherwise, return the "typical" theme.
  return gradient.midday


我发现您可以向颜色函数添加一个参数,但即使我将其设置为 0% 不透明度,它也会显得更暗。

color() { return [new Color("142C52", 0), new Color("1B416F", 0), new Color("62668B", 0)] },

标签: javascriptwidgetios14scriptable

