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此 MS SQL 查询通过查询不包括周末和节假日的日历表,返回距给定开始日期(21 年 3 月 1 日)189 个工作日后的结束日期。这是基本的 SQL 查询:

select Top 1 TheDate as EndDate
FROM (select Top 189 d.TheDate from DateDimension d
LEFT JOIN USHolidayDimension h
ON d.TheDate = h.TheDate
where d.TheDate>='03/01/2021'
and IsWeekend=0 and H.TheDate is null
order by d.TheDate) as BusinessDays
order by TheDate DESC

此查询正确返回 21 年 11 月 24 日的日期,即从 21 年 3 月 1 日起的 189 个工作日。

我尝试了几种在 QueryBuilder 中编写它的方法,但不断收到错误无法构建查询,因为未设置主别名(调用 qb#from 方法)”


const endDate = await getConnection()
.select("select Top 1 TheDate as EndDate " +
"FROM (select Top 189 d.TheDate from DateDimension d" +
"LEFT JOIN USHolidayDimension h " +
"ON d.TheDate = h.TheDate " +
"where d.TheDate>='03/01/2021'" +
"and IsWeekend=0 and H.TheDate is null "+
"order by d.TheDate) as BusinessDays " +
"order by TheDate DESC")


const endDate = await connection .createQueryBuilder() .select("Top 1 TheDate", "Top1")
.addSelect(subQuery => {
return subQuery
.select("Top 189 d.TheDate")
.from("DateDimension", "d")
.leftJoinAndSelect("USHolidayDimension", "h", "d.TheDate = h.TheDate")
.where( "d.TheDate>='03/01/2021'")
.andWhere("IsWeekend=0 and H.TheDate is null")
}, "businessDays")


标签: subquerytypeorm


要像在第一个示例中那样使用原始 SQL 进行查询,您需要按照 TypeOrm 文档中的EntityManager APIEntityManager.Query中的描述使用。

什么是 EntityManagerEntityManager中描述了如何获取。


    const connection = await createConnection();
    const entitymanager = connection.manager;
    let result = await entitymanager.query("select top 1 TheDate from DateDimension order by TheDate desc");
    let theDate = result[0].TheDate;
