首页 > 解决方案 > 将 REINFORCE 应用于 easy21


我正在尝试在 David Silver 的 easy21 上应用 REINFORCE 算法(使用 SoftMax 策略,带有基线的未折扣 Gt),但我在实际实现中遇到了问题。与纯 MC 方法相比,产生的结果不会收敛到 Q*。以下是相关代码:

hit = True
stick = False
actions = [hit, stick]

alpha = 0.1
theta = np.random.randn(420).reshape((420,1))

def psi(state, action):
    if state.player < 1 or state.player > 21:
        return np.zeros((420, 1))
    dealers = [int(state.dealer == x + 1) for x in range(0, 10)]
    players = [int(state.player == x + 1) for x in range(0, 21)]
    actions = [int(action == hit), int(action == stick)]
    psi = [1 if (i == 1 and j == 1 and k == 1) else 0
           for i in dealers for j in players for k in actions]

    return np.array(psi).reshape((420, 1)) 
def Q(state, action, weight):
    return np.matmul(psi(state, action).T, weight)
def softmax(state, weight):
    allQ = [Q(state, a, weight) for a in actions]
    probs = np.exp(allQ) / np.sum(np.exp(allQ))
    return probs.reshape((2,))

def score_function(state, action, weight):

    probs = softmax(state, weight)
    expected_score = (probs[0] * psi(state, hit)) + (probs[1] * psi(state, stick))
    return psi(state, action) - expected_score

def softmax_policy(state, weight):
    probs = softmax(state, weight)
    if np.random.random() < probs[1]:
        return stick
        return hit

if __name__ == "__main__":    

    Q_star = np.load('Q_star.npy')

    for k in range(1, ITERATIONS):
        terminal = False
        state = game.initialise_state()
        action = softmax_policy(state, theta)
        history = [state, action]
        while not terminal:
            state, reward = game.step(state, action)
            action = softmax_policy(state, theta)
            terminal = state.terminal
            if terminal:
                state_action_pairs = zip(history[0::3], history[1::3])
                Gt = sum(history[2::3])
                for s, a in state_action_pairs:
                    advantage = Gt - Q(s, a, prev_theta)
                    theta += alpha * score_function(s, a, theta) * advantage
        if k % 10000 == 0:
            print("MSE: " + str(round(np.sum((Q_star - generate_Q(theta)) ** 2),2)))


python reinforce.py
MSE: 288.18
MSE: 248.45
MSE: 227.08
MSE: 215.46
MSE: 207.3
MSE: 202.61
MSE: 197.82
MSE: 195.96
MSE: 194.01

下表显示了使用此算法创建的价值函数: REINFORCE 创建的价值函数

更新:通过使用不同的 theta 初始化来修复代码:

theta = np.zeros((420,1))

当前值函数: 由 REINFORCE 创建的价值函数 - 更新

但是当前值函数仍然不匹配 Q*(在玩家总和 = 11 处缺失峰值)

整个代码可在以下网址获得: https ://github.com/Soundpulse/easy21-rl/blob/main/reinforce.py

标签: reinforcement-learning

