首页 > 解决方案 > Difference between h:commandLink and p:menuItem


I already asked the question differently and it was answered as duplicate and the answer should be found in commandButton issue. I tried following all tipps, but in first place, the p:menuItem isn't really used in the examples and second in Debug Hints it apears that something is triggered, but I can't see what an my breakpoint at the beginning of the called method is never reached.

So I think I'm going to post way more code. This is the jsf-implementation which works:


    <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="menu.css"/>

            <h:commandLink value="Status" immediate="true" 
                action="status.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" />
        <h:panelGroup rendered="#{aduserHandler.isAdmin}">
                <h:commandLink value="Einstellungen"  immediate="true" 
                    action="parameter.xhtml?faces-redirect=true" />
            <h:commandLink value="Abmelden"  immediate="true" 
                action="#{aduserHandler.logout}" />

Both methods isAdmin() and logout() are triggered and performed correctly.

This is the primefaces-implementation which isn't working:


    <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="menu.css"/>

    <h:form id="menuform">
        <p:growl id="messages" showDetail="true"/>
        <div class="card">
                <p:submenu label="ATC">
                    <p:menuitem value="Status" 
                        icon="pi pi-list"/>
                <p:submenu label="KV">
                <p:submenu label="Einstellung">
                    <p:menuitem value="Einstellungen" 
                        icon="pi pi-cog"
                    <p:menuitem value="Abmelden" 
    <h:commandLink value="Abmelden" immediate="true" action="#{aduserHandler.logout}" />

For testing purpose I even added the h:commandLink out of the first implementation but the logout() methode is in neither one of the buttons triggered. But to make it really weird, the isAdmin() methode works perfectly.

I tried menuitem with update="@form" and update="menuform" but neither worked.

I really want to understand how those menuitems work, because I wanted to use the possibility to code the menu in a class.

References to an own jQuery import have been deleted.

Edit: You were completely right. I've made the first attempt out of my JSF 101-Book and didn't realize that my layout.xhmtl goes like:

<html   xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="style.css" />
    <title>Asset Tool Connector</title>
        <link type="image/x-icon"
            rel="shortcut icon" />

    <ui:insert name="header"/>
    <f:event listener="#{aduserHandler.checkLoggedIn}" type="preRenderView" />
        <div id="menu">
            <ui:include src="menu.xhtml" />

        <div id="main">
            <ui:insert name="main"/>
    <div id="footer">
        &#169; ATC - by 5332

But if I hadn't asked I had not looked anyway. Now what is better code for Primefaces? To leave the form around everything or to open a own form for every let's call it button group or function.

标签: jsfprimefaces


I think the issue is that in the second case you have a h:form embedded within another h:form. (Point 2 on the list from @BalusC). I can't validate this because the calling code hasn't been posted, but it is suspicious when the code snippet for h:commandLink doesn't include a form but needs one to work correctly, yet the PrimeFaces snippet does.

I'd also guess that the error is not apparent because in web.xml the javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE parameter is not set to Development, meaning some warnings and errors are suppressed. See the first part of BalusC's list.

There are also probably no error handlers defined in your faces-config.xml file, which also means some errors get suppressed. See https://primefaces.github.io/primefaces/8_0/#/core/errorhandling.

When I replicate these circumstances in a simple JSF application using PrimeFaces 8 and Wildfly 21, I can see similar symptons to those you describe.
