首页 > 解决方案 > rsync Unknown module ERROR with wrong IP/mask hosts allow config


rsync 客户端发送数据"@ERROR: Unknown module ..."错误,hosts allow配置错误10.17.68.0/24


将 /etc/rsyncd.conf 更改hosts allow= allow=将修复它。

plz:我想了解 rsync 服务器将如何检查主机是否允许使用掩码 IP 地址?

/etc/rsyncd.conf key configure:

hosts allow=
hosts deny=
list = no

configure option referrence:
This parameter determines whether this module is listed 
when the client asks for a listing of available modules. 
In addition, if this is false, the daemon will pretend the module does not exist 
when a client denied by "hosts allow" or "hosts deny" attempts to access it. 

hosts allow:
an address/mask in the form ipaddr/n where ipaddr is the IP address and 
n is the number of one bits in the netmask. 
All IP addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in.


the daemon will pretend the module does not exist
All IP addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in

我无法通过 tcpdump 捕获包获取掩码 IP,我想知道 rsync 是如何实现的?

标签: modulersync

