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如何在 IEEE802.11b/g 的 Omnet++ 中模拟具有以下条件的 adhoc 网络?(需要 omnetpp.ini 和 NED 文件)

1-Two wireless nodes (e.g. n1 and n2) having two interfaces with each other(e.g i1 and i2)
2-n1.i1 makes a link to communicate with n2.i1 and also n1.i2 makes a link with n2.i2, n1.i1 means interface i1 of node n1
3-channel 1 are allocated to link n1.i1 and n2.i1 in all simulation runtime
4-channel 2 are allocated to link n1.i2 and n2.i2 in the first second of simulation runtime, then channel 3 in the 2nd second, and so on until 10nd seconds, then repeat this circle.


标签: omnet++


examples\adhoc\ieee80211在 INET 中查看。它包含用于在 ad-hoc 模式下测试 IEEE 802.11 的简单网络。
