首页 > 解决方案 > 如何改进我的 java 代码以使其动态化?如果消息块是两位数或三位数



import java.util.ArrayList;

public class splitMessage {

    static ArrayList<String> splitText(String message, int charLimit) {

        return splitTextAuxUsingSplit(message, charLimit);

    static ArrayList<String> splitTextAuxUsingSplit(String message, int charLimitOriginal) {
        // Decrease the char limit to accomodate chunk number at the end i.e. (1/3). For
        // **now assuming, the message chunks won't be more than 9** //what if //message chunks are in double or triple digit? how do I improvise?
        int charLimit = charLimitOriginal - 7;
        // New arraylist to store message chunks
        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] splitted = message.split(" ");
        String temp;

        for (int i = 0; i < splitted.length - 1; i++) {
            temp = splitted[i];
            // while length of temp and the next element combined is less than charLimit,
            // temp = temp + next element
            // Last element to be taken care of after this loop
            while ((temp + 1 + splitted[i + 1]).length() <= charLimit && i + 1 < splitted.length - 1) { // +1 for space
                temp = temp + " " + splitted[i + 1];

        // Take care of the last element
        // Add the last element from splitted to the last element of result if their
        // combined length is less than charLimit
        String lastElement = result.get(result.size() - 1);
        if (lastElement.length() + 1 + splitted[splitted.length - 1].length() < charLimit) { // +1 for space

            result.set(result.size() - 1, lastElement + " " + splitted[splitted.length - 1]);
        } else {
            result.add(splitted[splitted.length - 1]);

        // append message chunk number for ex (1/3)
        int resultSize = result.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < resultSize; i++) {
            result.set(i, "[" + (i + 1) + "/" + resultSize + "]: " + result.get(i));

        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String message;
        int charLmit;
        message = "Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text. Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text. Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text ";
        charLmit = 25;
        ArrayList<String> result = splitText(message, charLmit);
        for (String item: result) {


我如何即兴创作此代码,以便即使对于像 [1/300] 或 [29/35] 这样的 2,3 位消息块,它也能提供正确的输出

标签: java


这个任务没有一个非常有效的解决方案,你只需要在一个循环中尝试不同的块大小。您最初假设文本可以分成不超过 9 个块,因此信息文本将只有 7 个字符长,例如"[1/9]: ". 您将文本实际拆分为长度块charLimit - 7。如果在那之后你得到不超过 9 个块 - 一切都很好。如果不是,那么您需要假设文本可以分成不超过 99 个块。信息文本现在将有 9 个字符长,例如"[12/99]: "。因此,您尝试将文本拆分为 length 块charlimit - 9。如果你得到少于 100 个块 - 一切都很好。如果不是 - 您再次将最大值增加到 1000 并将信息文本大小增加 2 并重复该过程,直到找到解决方案。

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class SplitMessage {

    static List<String> splitWordsToLimit(String[] words, int charLimit) {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
        int wordsOnThisLine = 0;
        for (String word : words) {
            if (wordsOnThisLine == 0 || 
               (line.length() + 1 + word.length() <= charLimit)) {
                    if (wordsOnThisLine != 0) {
                       line.append(" ");
               } else {
                    wordsOnThisLine = 1;
                    line = new StringBuilder(word);
        if (wordsOnThisLine != 0) {
        return result;

    static List<String> splitText(String message, int charLimit) {      
        String[] words = message.split(" ");
        int maxChunks = 10;
        int infoSize = "[1/9]: ".length();
        List<String> chunks;
        while (true) {
            chunks = splitWordsToLimit(words, charLimit - infoSize);
            if (chunks.size() < maxChunks && charLimit > infoSize + 1) {
            maxChunks *= 10;
            infoSize += 2;
        int digits = String.valueOf(chunks.size()).length();
        String infoFormat = "[%" + String.valueOf(digits) + "d/" + 
                             String.valueOf(chunks.size()) + "]: ";
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) {
            result.add(String.format(infoFormat, i + 1) + chunks.get(i));
        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String message;
        int charLimit;
        message = "Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text. Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text. Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now! And this is a bigger text ";
        charLimit = 25;
        List<String> result = splitText(message, charLimit);
        for (String item: result) {


输出charLimit = 50

[1/7]: Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now!
[2/7]: And this is a bigger text. Hi Sivasrinivas,
[3/7]: your Uber is arriving now! And this is a
[4/7]: bigger text. Hi Sivasrinivas, your Uber is
[5/7]: arriving now! And this is a bigger text Hi
[6/7]: Sivasrinivas, your Uber is arriving now!
[7/7]: And this is a bigger text

输出charLimit = 25

[ 1/20]: Hi Sivasrinivas,
[ 2/20]: your Uber is
[ 3/20]: arriving now!
[ 4/20]: And this is a
[ 5/20]: bigger text. Hi
[ 6/20]: Sivasrinivas,
[ 7/20]: your Uber is
[ 8/20]: arriving now!
[ 9/20]: And this is a
[10/20]: bigger text. Hi
[11/20]: Sivasrinivas,
[12/20]: your Uber is
[13/20]: arriving now!
[14/20]: And this is a
[15/20]: bigger text Hi
[16/20]: Sivasrinivas,
[17/20]: your Uber is
[18/20]: arriving now!
[19/20]: And this is a
[20/20]: bigger text
