首页 > 解决方案 > 令人费解的 Excel VBA 和 Powershell 未使用 Call 命令运行


所以我有几个脚本要运行,使用 VBA 命令 CALL 调用它们



Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt

Call RUN_LOGIN_SAVE_TO_FILE 'Macro29 PS1 - Stores username and password input by user for later reference.
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 25)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Merge1").Range("A1"))
Call BID_1_TextOut 'Macro1 - Exports rows from the Excel FETCH tab to a text file to be used to set "Send-On-Behalf"-rights
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.6)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Merge2").Range("A1"))
Call BID_2_TextOut 'Macro1 - Exports 23 rows from the Excel FETCH tab to a text file to be used to set "Send-On-Behalf"-rights
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.6)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Merge3").Range("A1"))
Call BID_3_TextOut 'Macro1 - Exports 23 rows from the Excel FETCH tab to a text file to be used to set "Send-On-Behalf"-rights
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.6)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Merge4").Range("A1"))
Call BID_4_TextOut 'Macro1 - Exports 23 rows from the Excel FETCH tab to a text file to be used to set "Send-On-Behalf"-rights
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.6)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Merge5").Range("A1"))
Call BID_5_TextOut 'Macro1 - Exports 23 rows from the Excel FETCH tab to a text file to be used to set "Send-On-Behalf"-rights
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.6)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Merge6").Range("A1"))
Call BID_6_TextOut 'Macro1 - Exports 23 rows from the Excel FETCH tab to a text file to be used to set "Send-On-Behalf"-rights
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.6)
    Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Fetch").Range("A1"))
Call BID_MergeALL_TextOut 'Macro MergeALL - Merges all BID-TEXTOUT files to 1 file, Create-String-For-Email-Fetch_ALLMerge.txt, converts to Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt,replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing" and saves back as Create-String-For-Email-FetchTEMP.txt
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 6)
Call BID_XCleanup 'Macro MergeXCleanup - This script replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)


Call BID_XCleanup 'Macro MergeXCleanup - This script replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
    Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)


'This script opens H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt and replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
'stripping away all entries not needed.

Sub BID_XCleanup()

Set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run ("powershell.exe -noexit H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\REPLACE_IN_EmptyDomainUsersPartCOM.ps1")

End Sub

当我使用上述命令运行上述 REPLACE_IN_EmptyDomainUsersPartCOM.ps1 时,由 VBA 脚本与其他调用命令一起调用,该脚本实际上并没有做它应该做的事情......有时。有时在极少数情况下它会正确触发,例如如果我运行 Call 脚本 2 次它可以工作,但随后它无法在第三次写入最后一个文本文件,之后进行任何其他尝试。

这是 Powershell 脚本:

#This script opens H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt and replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
#stripping away all entries not needed.  Out-File used as output, with -NoNewline to prevent carriage return inserting empty line.

#The next code section will open the CURRENTLY open Excel file's sheet, instead of opening the whole workbook, which is why i use Marshal runtime. 
#Fully qualified path to target workbook to match against name. 
$targetWbFullPath = 'H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm'
#Stores the name of target workbook to match in running processes into variable $targetWbName
$targetWbName = Split-Path $targetWbFullPath -Leaf
#Attempts to access the process of open workbook with found name. 
$xl = [Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject('Excel.Application')
#Get the list of names of open workbooks
$wbList = $xl.Workbooks | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}
#If target workbook is in the list…
$targetWb = if ($wbList -contains $targetWbName) {
 #…get it
} else {
 # if your target workbook is not in the list…
 # exit the script, or…
 # open it - Code if you want to open workbook as option but not used here.
 # $xl.Workbooks.Open($targetWbFullPath)
#Get the sheet to modify or collect data from. 
$WorkSheet = $targetWb.Sheets.Item('Fetch')
#Fetches "domain/users/" from J29 in excel sheet (Row 29, Column 10)
$domain = $WorkSheet.Rows.Item(29).Columns.Item(10).Text 
#Stores last part of domain string after the domain/user part to match with into variable $leftoverdomain. 
$leftoverdomain = '0|'   
#Joines the above variables together to form "domain/users/0|" as search tag to replace as leftover bits.
$joinedvariables = -join($domain,$leftoverdomain,"") 

#Opens text file to replace text in.
$b = Get-Content -Encoding Unicode "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" 
#Next part uses the $joinedvariables variable of merged search parametres and replaces it with "nothing" and saves the file back.
@(ForEach ($a in $b) {$a.Replace($joinedvariables, '')}) | Out-File -Encoding Unicode "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-FetchTEMP.txt" -NoNewline

### INFO ###
#I used a reference to the EXCEL cell here, instead of directly from the TXT-file as given what domain has been specified, the info in the TEXT file would vary
#But text in J29 would always equal the domain being used, and thus also correnspond with the one in the text file at all times. 
#This way it will automatically always use the correct domain.

如果我从 Powershell ISE 或通过手动单击 Excel 中的执行 VBA 宏运行上述 powershell 脚本,它会触发并按预期运行没有问题。



是否可以在单独的进程中运行 2 个 VBA 调用脚本?愚弄 Excel 以为我手动点击了 powershell 脚本,而实际上它是从调用中运行的?

因此,脚本单独按预期工作,但当与其余脚本一起运行时,powershell 脚本似乎无法正常工作。

我尝试在代码中包含“Write-Host”Hello World”,将代码分开以查看它在失败之前能走多远,因为我知道代码是单独运行的。


#This script opens H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt and replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
#stripping away all entries not needed.  Out-File used as output, with -NoNewline to prevent carriage return inserting empty line.

#The next code section will open the CURRENTLY open Excel file's sheet, instead of opening the whole workbook, which is why i use Marshal runtime. 
#Fully qualified path to target workbook to match against name. 
$targetWbFullPath = 'H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm'
Write-Host "Hello worldA"
#Stores the name of target workbook to match in running processes into variable $targetWbName
$targetWbName = Split-Path $targetWbFullPath -Leaf
Write-Host "Hello worldB"
#Writes name of document
Write-Host $targetWbName
Write-Host "...is name of document in memory"
#Attempts to access the process of open workbook with found name. 
$xl = [Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject('Excel.Application')
Write-Host "Hello world1"
#Get the list of names of open workbooks
$wbList = $xl.Workbooks | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}
Write-Host "Hello worldC"
#Writes out list of what has been fetched with Marshal. 
Write-host $wbList
Write-host "...is list in wbList variable"
#If target workbook is in the list…
Write-Host "If target workbook is in the list…"
$targetWb = if ($wbList -contains $targetWbName) {
Write-Host $targetWbName
 #…get it
} else {
 # if your target workbook is not in the list…
 # exit the script, or…
 # open it - Code if you want to open workbook as option but not used here.
 # $xl.Workbooks.Open($targetWbFullPath)
#Get the sheet to modify or collect data from. 
$WorkSheet = $targetWb.Sheets.Item('Fetch')
Write-Host "Hello world3"
Write-Host $WorkSheet
#Fetches "domain/users/" from J29 in excel sheet (Row 29, Column 10)
$domain = $WorkSheet.Rows.Item(29).Columns.Item(10).Text 
Write Host $domain
Write-Host "Hello world4"
#Stores last part of domain string after the domain/user part to match with into variable $leftoverdomain. 
$leftoverdomain = '0|'   

Write-Host "Hello world5"
#Joines the above variables together to form "domain/users/0|" as search tag to replace as leftover bits.
$joinedvariables = -join($domain,$leftoverdomain,"") 
Write-Host "Hello world6"

#Opens text file to replace text in.
$b = Get-Content -Encoding Unicode "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" 
Write-Host "Hello world7"
#Next part uses the $joinedvariables variable of merged search parametres and replaces it with "nothing" and saves the file back.
@(ForEach ($a in $b) {$a.Replace($joinedvariables, '')}) | Out-File -Encoding Unicode "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-FetchTEMP.txt" -NoNewline
Write-Host "Hello world8"

### INFO ###
#I used a reference to the EXCEL cell here, instead of directly from the TXT-file as given what domain has been specified, the info in the TEXT file would vary
#But text in J29 would always equal the domain being used, and thus also correnspond with the one in the text file at all times. 
#This way it will automatically always use the correct domain.

手动运行 Powershell 脚本的 Powershell ISE 的输出:


Hello worldA
Hello worldB
...is name of document in memory
Hello world1
Hello worldC
...is list in wbList variable
If target workbook is in the list…
Hello world3
Hello world4
Hello world5
Hello world6
Hello world7
Hello world8
**<END Result>**

使用 VBA CALL 命令输出在 VBA 代码中运行与其余部分相同的脚本:


Hello worldA
Hello worldB
...is name of document in memory
Hello world1
Hello worldC

...is list in wbList variable
If target workbook is in the list…
**<END result>**

结果在 Excel 中手动将 Powershell 脚本作为 MACRO 运行:


Hello worldA
Hello worldB
...is name of document in memory
Hello world1
Hello worldC
...is list in wbList variable
If target workbook is in the list…
Hello world3
Hello world4
Hello world5
Hello world6
Hello world7
Hello world8
**<END Result>**

据我所知,当使用 CALL VBA 命令自动运行时,脚本中的信息似乎不仅仅是无法从“System.__ComObject”中提取信息

我还注意到,如果实际 Excel 文件的保存/修改时间戳比 1KB“打开”文件的名称几乎完全相同,那么脚本通常会失败。如果我重新保存 Excel 文件,它通常似乎工作得更好、更频繁。如果我然后关闭 Excel 并再次打开 Excel 工作表,因此 1KB 文件获得更新的时间戳,那么脚本似乎再次失败。


所以我认为可能是脚本试图从 1KB 文件中获取信息,而不是实际的 excel 文件,因为这两个文件都被 Excel 进程锁定,但是当我“共享”excel 文档时,以防止 Excel 写入1KB 文件,它仍然在脚本失败之后仍然失败。


我有一种强烈的感觉,它与 Marshall 部分有关,脚本试图访问在内存中运行的正确的 excel 进程,

#If target workbook is in the list…
$targetWb = if ($wbList -contains $targetWbName) {
 #…get it


我必须使用对已打开的现有文档的引用,因为我尝试“打开”该文档,并且当我之后关闭 excel 时,它不断给出数百万条消息“您的文档现在可以访问”,脚本运行,但是错误消息非常烦人,这就是为什么我使用 Marshal 来获取已经打开的 Excel 文件的工作表并从中提取数据。

任何人都可以帮助我与其他人一起使用 CALL 脚本吗?



标签: excelvbapowershellcall

