首页 > 解决方案 > 偏移旋转矩阵


我正在使用 2 个 imu。我需要用传感器的第一帧偏移所有帧。我创建了一个虚构的场景,我准确地知道旋转和想要的结果。我需要两个传感器在减去它们的初始(开始)方向时显示相同的结果。

import numpy as np
# Sensor 0,1 and 2 start orientation in degrees
s0_x = 30
s0_y = 0
s0_z = 0

s1_x = 0
s1_y = 40
s1_z = 0

s2_x = 10
s2_y = 40
s2_z= -10

# Change from start frame 1

x1 = 20
y1 = 10
z1 = 0

# Change from start frame 2

x2 = 60
y2 = 30
z2 = 30

GCS= [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
sensor0 = [[s0_x, s0_y, s0_z], [s0_x, s0_y, s0_z], [s0_x, s0_y, s0_z]]
sensor1 = [[s1_x, s1_y, s1_z],  [s1_x + x1, s1_y + y1, s1_z + z1],[s1_x + x1 + x2, s1_y + y1+ y2, s1_z + z1+ z2]]
sensor2 = [[s2_x, s2_y, s2_z], [s2_x + x1, s2_y + y1, s2_z + z1], [s2_x + x1+ x2, s2_y + y1+ y2, s2_z + z1+ z2]]

def Rot_Mat_X(theta):
    r = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)),-np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta))],[0,np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)),np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta))]]) 
    return r

# rotation the rotation matrix around the Y axis (input in deg)
def Rot_Mat_Y(theta):
    r = np.array([[np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)),0,np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta))],
    return r

# rotation the rotation matrix around the Z axis (input in deg)
def Rot_Mat_Z(theta):
    r = np.array([[np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)),-np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)),0],
    return r

# Creating the rotation matrices
r_sensor0 = []
r_sensor1= []
r_sensor2= []
for i in range(len(sensor1)):
    r_sensor1_z = np.matmul(Rot_Mat_X(sensor1[i][0]),GCS)
    r_sensor1_zy = np.matmul(Rot_Mat_Y(sensor1[i][1]),r_sensor1_z)
    r_R_Upperarm_medial_zyx = np.matmul(Rot_Mat_Z(sensor1[i][2]),r_sensor1_zy )
    r_sensor1.append(r_R_Upperarm_medial_zyx )
    r_sensor2_z = np.matmul(Rot_Mat_X(sensor2[i][0]),GCS)
    r_sensor2_zy = np.matmul(Rot_Mat_Y(sensor2[i][1]),r_sensor2_z )
    r_sensor2_zyx = np.matmul(Rot_Mat_Z(sensor2[i][2]),r_sensor2_zy )
    r_sensor2.append(r_sensor2_zyx )

r_start_sensor1 = r_sensor1[0]
r_start_sensor2 = r_sensor2[0] 

r_offset_sensor1 = []
r_offset_sensor2 = []
for i in range(len(sensor0)):

# result: 
r_offset_sensor1[0] = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
r_offset_sensor1[1] = [[0.984,0.059,0.163],[0,0.939,-0.342],[-0.173,0.336,0.925]]
r_offset_sensor1[2] = [[0.748,0.466,0.471],[0.086,0.635,-0.767],[-0.657,0.615,0.434]]

r_offset_sensor2[0] = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
r_offset_sensor2[1] = [[0.984,0.086,0.150],[-0.03,0.938,-0.344],[-0.171,0.334,0.926]]
r_offset_sensor2[2] = [[0.748,0.541,0.383],[-0.028,0.603,-0.797],[-0.662,0.585,0.466]]

我希望传感器 1 和 2 的结果对于所有帧都相同,但事实并非如此?他们应该是:

frame[0] = [1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]
frame[1] = [0.984,0,0.173],[0.059,0.939,-0.336],[-0.163,0.342,0.9254]
frame[2] = [0.750,-0.433,0.50],[0.625,0.216,-0.750],[0.216,0.875,0.433]

标签: numpyrotationlinear-algebraoffset

