首页 > 解决方案 > C# & Entity Framework - 优化具有不定家谱的自引用实体的数据库查询




public class Folder
    public int FolderID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int? ParentFolderID { get; set; }
    public Folder? ParentFolder { get; set; }

    //Folders belonging to folder
    public ICollection<Folder>? ChildFolders { get; set; }

    //Users belonging to folder
    public ICollection<User>? Users { get; set; }

    //Groups belonging to folder
    public ICollection<Group>? Groups { get; set; }

    // Determines which users and groups can see this folder
    public ICollection<UserFolder>? UserFolders { get; set; } //Composite Entity between users and folders
    public ICollection<GroupFolder>? GroupFolders { get; set; } //Composite Entity between groups and folders


我对实体使用以下 DTO:

public class FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO : IFolderGetCollectionDTO
    public int FolderId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int? ParentFolderId { get; set; }

    // Id and username of users
    public List<Tuple<int, string>> Users { get; set; }

    // List of itself
    public List<FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO> SubFolders { get; set; }



-folder 1
  -user 1
  -user 2
  -folder 2
    -user 3
    -user 4
    -folder 3
      -unknown steps down...
-folder 4
  -user 5
  -user 6
  -folder 5


/// <inheritdoc/>
public IEnumerable<IFolderGetCollectionDTO> GetFolders(NetworkManagementContext context, int userId, IFolderDTOOptions options)
    //query to get all folders the current user has access to
    List<FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO> query = context.UserFolders
        .Where(uf => uf.UserID == userId)
        .Select(uf => new FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO
            FolderId = uf.Folder.FolderID,
            Name = uf.Folder.Name,
            ParentFolderId = uf.Folder.ParentFolderID,
            Users = uf.Folder.Users.Select(u => new Tuple<int, string>(u.UserID, u.Name)).ToList()

    //List of all subfolder Ids 
    List<int> subfolderIds = new List<int>();

    //iterates through all folders found in inital query to get subfolders
    foreach (FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO item in query)
        GetSubFolders(item, subfolderIds, context);

    //removes all duplicates of folder ids
    subfolderIds = subfolderIds.Distinct().ToList();

    //removes folders from initial query that the user has access to, but already exists 
    //somewhere within another folder from initial query or it's subfolders to avoid duplicate UI elements
    query.RemoveAll(f => subfolderIds.Contains(f.FolderId));

    return query;

/// <summary>
/// Projects a list of folders from DB related to id of <see cref="FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO"/> object argument and binds the list of projected folders to the object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="folder">DTO of folder entity</param>
/// <param name="folderIds">List of folder ids used for filtering out duplicate folders found in DB</param>
/// <param name="context">Context for entity framework</param>
private void GetSubFolders(FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO folder, List<int> folderIds, NetworkManagementContext context)
    //query to get all subfolders inside folder argument
    folder.SubFolders = context.Folders
        .Where(f => f.ParentFolderID == folder.FolderId)
        .Select(f => new FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO
            FolderId = f.FolderID,
            Name = f.Name,
            ParentFolderId = f.ParentFolderID,
            Users = f.Users.Select(u => new Tuple<int, string>(u.UserID, u.Name)).ToList()

    //adds id of all found subfolders in current query to list of subfolder ids
    folder.SubFolders.ForEach(f => folderIds.Add(f.FolderId)); 

    //iterates through all subfolders found in current query to get subfolders for the next level
    foreach (FolderAdminSidebarRightDTO item in folder.SubFolders)
        //calls itself
        GetSubFolders(item, folderIds, context);




标签: c#performanceoptimizationentity-framework-core


AFAIK,不支持通过 LINQ 进行这样的递归调用。


  1. 使用纯 SQL 编写查询,这将使您能够编写递归调用自身通用表表达式。然后,构建结果的递归逻辑将立即在数据库服务器中完成,而不是像现在这样从客户端应用程序进行多次往返。
  2. 如果您出于某种原因不想在代码中包含原始 SQL,则始终可以从选项 1 中构建的相同查询创建数据库视图,然后直接从应用程序查询视图。
  3. 最后,还有一个完全不使用递归 CTE 的替代方法:您可以在数据库中以所谓的嵌套集模型维护您的树结构。这样做时,您必须向每个节点添加两个新属性,称为LeftRight(或TreeMinTreeMax,它们表示在树横向期间第一次/最后一次访问每个节点时的“位置”。Left用and标记每个节点的想法Right是,您将能够轻松查询一个节点的所有子节点,检查是否child.Left > parent.Left && child.Right < parent.Right。在数据库中维护这样的数据结构可能比以前的解决方案稍微复杂一些,并且只有在您的树不经常更改的情况下才可取。
