首页 > 解决方案 > Save Gmail attachments to GDrive as ".../ eMailAddress / FileName"


I need to save attachments that arrive through GMail to my GDrive, in a directory structure that I can identify all attachments by Sender.

I'm using Google Application Script "ahochsteger/gmail2gdrive". http://github.com/ahochsteger/gmail2gdrive/blob/master/Code.gs http://github.com/ahochsteger/gmail2gdrive/blob/master/Config.gs

It stores all files in the same directory "Scan - yyyy-mm-dd" which means that it does not identify who they are from. It works really well. But I would like to save the attached file:

  1. As file name "eMailAddress-AttachmentName" or
  2. In folder path "Scan - yyyy-mm-dd / eMailAddress /"

In both cases, I will be able to identify whose attachments I store to GDrive.

Can anyone help me with an alternative to store the attachment with either option?

Many thanks for your help

标签: emailgmailattachmentgdrive

