首页 > 解决方案 > Setting up GTK for C application development on Windows without MYSYS2 or gvsbuild


In order for me to program my application on Windows with GTK, The official website instructs me to install MYSYS2 and then use pacman to install the required files.

As I understand it, currently I would still have to compile the application using a Linux environment for GTK+ to be compiled into the application.

标签: cuser-interfacegtkgtk3



还有Quod Libet 的Windows 开发自述文件,它可以帮助您。

然而,从历史上看,Gtk 并不是跨平台开发最友好的工具包,所以如果您需要良好的 Windows 支持,我建议您使用 Qt。

也就是说,Gtk 有更好的许可证,希望Gtk 4的跨平台支持会得到改善。
