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如何从嵌套元素中读取 XML。



现在,我需要使用 Jackson 从这个 XML 构造用户对象。基本上我对 child3 元素很感兴趣。我不想创建 main、child1、child2 类。直接我想从child3读取。我怎样才能做到这一点?请帮忙

标签: spring-bootjacksondeserialization


You can probably try reading them in MAP class like below,

 XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
 Map<String,Object> map = xmlMapper.readValue(xml, Map.class);
 Map<String,Object> child1 = (Map<String, Object>) map.get("child1");
 Map<String,Object> child2 = (Map<String, Object>) child1.get("child2");
 Map<String,Object> child3 = (Map<String, Object>) child2.get("child3");

Child3 Map will only contain the data. You will also need to import below maven library to use XMLMapper


Another way would be to use JSONNode and then finally deserialize it into child3 object. as shown below,

XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); //To convert JSON to object
JsonNode  map = xmlMapper.readValue(xml, JsonNode.class);
JsonNode child1 = map.get("child1");
JsonNode child2 = child1.get("child2");
JsonNode child3 = child2.get("child3");
Child3 child3 = jsonMapper.readValue(child3.toString(),Child3.class);
