首页 > 解决方案 > 如何捕获图像并将其保存到python中的特定文件夹中




 #imports openCV for usage
import cv2
import time

#creates an object called camera, of type openCV video capture, using the
# first camera in the list of cameras connected to the computer.
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(1)#0-front, 1-rear
#loop the following indented code 5 times
for i in range(5):
    # ret- boolean regarding whether or not there was a return at all
    # image-each frame that is returned.
    ret, image = camera.read()
    cv2.imshow("image", image)
    #use the openCV method imwrite (that writes an image to a disk) and write an
    # image using the data in the temporary data variable
    cv2.imwrite('image_'+str(i)+'.png', image)
    time.sleep(3) #pause every 3 second
    print("Image_" + str(i))
# deletes the camrea object, we no longer needs it.
print ("Picture taken. ")


import os #os-function to interact w/ operating system modules
inPath = 'C:\\Users\\person\\Desktop\\ Project\\python\\Image Saving Test'
os.chdir(inPath)# method in Python used to change the current working directory to specified path.
             # It takes only a single argument as new directory path.
#Create a new subfolder named 'set_#' for each sequence of image and put
    #the subfolder in Image Saving Test folder
for i in range (1,4):
    Newfolder='Set ' + str(i)
    outPath = os.makedirs(Newfolder)# method used to create a directory recursively.
                    # That means while making leaf directory if any intermediate-Lv
                    # directory is missing, os.makedirs() method will create the


标签: imagedirectoryoperating-systempython-3.9webcam-capture

