首页 > 解决方案 > Integration open source with Sentry


I need to integrate with sentry for monitoring open source exceptions, I am only allowed to use image of the open source, it is an spring boot application, I am trying to add sentry Logback jar file to the open source image but it is not working and I am not sure if this is the correct way

FROM opensource:latest
ADD jar-file/ /var/opensource/external-jar-files/
RUN java -cp /var/opensource/external-jar-files/sentry-logback.jar com.getsentry.raven

this Dockerfiles give me an error when I am running the container no main manifest attribute, in /var/opensource/external-jar-files/sentry-logback.jar

maybe this isn't the way, any advice?

标签: spring-bootdockerfilemonitoringlogbacksentry

