首页 > 解决方案 > 在 RBAC 中为 Snowflake 使用访问角色时,在架构 B 中的表上创建架构 A 中的视图



可以正常创建视图,但是当我从分析师角色(已被授予在“A”架构上读取的架构)查询它们时,我收到以下错误:“ SQL 编译错误:视图扩展失败”<table_name >':SQL 编译错误:Schema '<database_name>.B' 不存在或未授权。”





为了添加更多上下文,我对模式 A 和模式 A 有两个访问角色。两者都具有托管访问集。

我有第三个职能角色,可以访问 Schema A 的角色。基本上就像下面产生的:

use role accountadmin;

create or replace database test_db;

-- Create Managed Access Schema B with a Table and assign ownership of the database object to that schema
create or replace schema B with managed access;
create or replace table test (id number(3,2)) as select 3.14;
create or replace role access_role_b_sr ;
grant role access_role_b_sr to role accountadmin ;
grant ownership on table B.test to role access_role_b_sr revoke current grants;

-- Create Managed Access Schema A with a View and assign ownership of the database object to that schema
create or replace schema A with managed access;
create or replace view test_v as select * from B.test;
create or replace role access_role_a_sr;
grant role access_role_a_sr to role accountadmin;
grant ownership on view a.test_v to role access_role_a_sr revoke current grants;

-- Grant privileges to the Schema A access role
grant usage on database test_db to access_role_a_sr;
grant usage on schema test_db.A to access_role_a_sr;
grant select on view test_db.a.test_v to access_role_a_sr;

-- Grant privileges to the Schema B access role
grant usage on database test_db to access_role_b_sr;
grant usage on schema test_db.B to access_role_b_sr;
grant select on table test_db.b.test to access_role_b_sr;

-- Create the functional role and assign the Schema A access role
create or replace role functional_role_analyst;
grant role access_role_a_sr to role functional_role_analyst;
grant role all_u_group_bia_vwh_wrun to role functional_role_analyst;
grant role functional_role_analyst to user "admin-jaco.vanwyk";

use role functional_role_analyst;
use schema a;

select * from a.test_v; -- doesn't work 
-- SQL compilation error: Failure during expansion of view 'TEST_V': SQL compilation error: Schema 'TEST_DB.B' does not exist or not authorized.

show grants to role access_role_a_sr; -- no permission on schema B or table test

标签: snowflake-cloud-data-platformrbac



use role accountadmin;

create schema B;
create  table test (id number(3,2)) as select 3.14;

create schema A;
create view test_v as select * from B.test;

create role test_role;
grant usage on database gokhan_db to test_role;
grant usage on schema gokhan_db.A to test_role;
grant select on view gokhan_db.A.test_v to test_role;
grant usage on warehouse gokhan_wh to role test_role;
grant role test_role to user gokhan;

use role test_role;

select * from test_v; -- works as expected

|  ID  |
| 3.14 |

show grants to role test_role; -- no permission on schema B or table test

| privilege | granted_on |        name        | grantee_name |
| USAGE     | DATABASE   | GOKHAN_DB          | TEST_ROLE    |
| USAGE     | SCHEMA     | GOKHAN_DB.A        | TEST_ROLE    |
| USAGE     | WAREHOUSE  | GOKHAN_WH          | TEST_ROLE    |


use role accountadmin;

create or replace database test_db;

-- Create Managed Access Schema B with a Table and assign ownership of the database object to that schema
create or replace schema B with managed access; -- managed access
create or replace table test (id number(3,2)) as select 3.14;
create or replace role access_role_b_sr ;
grant role access_role_b_sr to role accountadmin ;

-- Create Managed Access Schema A with a View and assign ownership of the database object to that schema
create or replace schema A with managed access;
create or replace view test_v as select * from B.test;
create or replace role access_role_a_sr;
grant role access_role_a_sr to role accountadmin;

grant usage on database test_db to access_role_a_sr;
grant usage on schema test_db.A to access_role_a_sr;

grant usage on database test_db to access_role_b_sr;
grant usage on schema test_db.B to access_role_b_sr;

grant ownership on table B.test to role access_role_b_sr revoke current grants;
grant ownership on view A.test_v to role access_role_b_sr revoke current grants;
grant select on view test_db.a.test_v to access_role_a_sr;

-- Create the functional role and assign the Schema A access role
create or replace role functional_role_analyst;
grant role access_role_a_sr to role functional_role_analyst;
grant usage on warehouse gokhan_wh to functional_role_analyst;
grant role functional_role_analyst to user gokhan;

use role functional_role_analyst;

select * from a.test_v; -- works
