首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 txt 文件检索问题和多个答案


我目前正在通过 python 和 Tkinter 进行测验。我正在尝试使用 txt 文件,一个用于我的问题,一个用于我对上述问题的一组答案,还有一个用于解释答案。但是,我不确定如何在我的代码中实现这一点。我不确定如何从 txt 文件中检索问题并将其表示为标签,同时将该问题的正确答案集表示为供用户选择的按钮。以及显示正确解释答案的文本。有没有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点?我应该改用数组吗?

标签: pythontkinter



  • 将问题和答案以及 id 存储在字典中,例如:
data = {question:[id,answer]}
# So it would be like
data = {'Who was the first prime minister of india?':[1,'Jawaharlal Nehru'],
        'Tallest building in the world':[2,'Burj Khalifa'],
        'Largest country in the world':[3,'Russia']}
  • 创建一个文件说明.txt,然后将id和说明存储为:
id - explanation
  • 所以解释的文本文件(explnation.txt)会是这样的:
1 - Your explanation goes here: Tryst with destiny
2 - UAE
3 - WC 2018

  • 那么所有这一切的代码将是这样的:
import tkinter as tk
import random

root = tk.Tk()

# Store it here
data = {'Who was the first prime minister of india?':[1,'Jawaharlal Nehru'],
        'Tallest building in the world':[2,'Burj Khalifa'],
        'Largest country in the world':[3,'Russia']}

score = 0 # Score of correct answers
def get_question():
    global id, answer, explanation
    exp_label.config(text='') # Clear the previous explanation

    question = random.choice(list(data.keys())) # Get the question
    item = data[question] # Get the corresponding list
    id = item[0] # Get the id from the list
    answer = item[1] # Get the answer from the list
    explanation = get_explanation(id) # Find the explanation using the id
    q_label.config(text=question) # Update the question to this
def submit():
    global score
    if answer_ent.get().lower() == answer.lower(): # If correct answer
        score += 1 # Increase the score by 1
        score_label.config(text=f'Score: {score}') # Update the score label
    else: # If wrong answer
        exp_label.config(text=explanation) # Show the explanation
    answer_ent.delete(0,'end') # Clear the entry

def get_explanation(id):
    with open('explanation.txt','r') as file: # Open the file
        lst = file.readlines() # Read each line and make it a list
        for i in lst: # Looping through that list
            fetched_id = i.split(' - ')[0] # Split the txt with ' - ' and get the id
            if int(fetched_id) == id: # If fetched and our question id are same
                explanation = i.split(' - ')[1][:-1] # Get the explanation and trim the \n
                return explanation # Return it

q_label = tk.Label(root,font=(0,21))

answer_ent = tk.Entry(root)

exp_label = tk.Label(root,font=(0,13))

score_label = tk.Label(root,text='Score: 0',font=(0,13))



get_question() # Call the function immediately


