首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 egg_mode crate 迭代 Twitter 推文的用户时间线


我正在使用 rust egg_mode crate 迭代用户的推文时间线,并查看他们是否发布了所需的推文。现在我几乎已经完成了所有工作,但是我无法锻炼如何在循环中处理此代码。

我可能没有正确使用 egg_mode api,但不确定。

    let (timeline, feed) = timeline.start().await?;
    loop {
        for tweet in feed.iter() {
            let (tfound, mfound) = check_tweet(tweet).await?;
            tweets_checked += 1;

            // Return if both are found.
            if tweet_found && media_found {
                let id = tweet.id as i64;
                return Ok((tweet_found, media_found, id, tweets_checked));
        let (timeline, feed) = &timeline.older(None).await?;


error[E0382]: use of moved value: `timeline`
   --> src/check_twitter/main.rs:145:33
125 |     let (timeline, feed) = timeline.start().await?;
    |          -------- move occurs because `timeline` has type `egg_mode::tweet::Timeline`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
145 |         let (timeline, feed) = &timeline.older(None).await?;
    |                                 ^^^^^^^^ ----------- `timeline` moved due to this method call, in previous iteration of loop
note: this function takes ownership of the receiver `self`, which moves `timeline`
   --> /home/utx0/.cargo/git/checkouts/egg-mode-01a8f29f644cee57/6b81073/src/tweet/mod.rs:520:18
520 |     pub fn older(self, since_id: Option<u64>) -> TimelineFuture {
    |                  ^^^^

标签: twitterrust



    let (mut timeline, mut feed) = timeline.start().await?;
    loop {
        let mut id: u64 = 0;
        for tweet in feed.iter() {
            let (tfound, mfound) = check_tweet(tweet).await?;
            tweets_checked += 1;

            id = tweet.id;

            if tfound == true {
                tweet_found = tfound;
                tweet_id = tweet.id as i64;

            if mfound == true {
                media_found = mfound;

            // Return if both are found.
            if tweet_found && media_found {
                let id = tweet.id as i64;
                return Ok((tweet_found, media_found, id, tweets_checked));
        let (ntimeline, nfeed) = timeline.older(Some(id)).await?;
        timeline = ntimeline;
        feed = nfeed;
