首页 > 解决方案 > Pandas:扁平化树结构



import pandas as pd

asset_tree = [
    {'id': 1, 'name': 'Linear Asset', 'parent_id': -1},
    {'id': 2, 'name': 'Lateral', 'parent_id': 1},
    {'id': 3, 'name': 'Main', 'parent_id': 1},
    {'id': 4, 'name': 'Point Asset', 'parent_id': -1},
    {'id': 5, 'name': 'Fountain', 'parent_id': 4},
    {'id': 6, 'name': 'Hydrant', 'parent_id': 4}
tree = pd.DataFrame(asset_tree)


   id          name  parent_id
0   1  Linear Asset         -1
1   2       Lateral          1
2   3          Main          1
3   4   Point Asset         -1
4   5      Fountain          4
5   6       Hydrant          4

树中最高节点的 parent_id 等于 -1,因此树可以用图形表示如下:

Linear Asset
   | - Lateral
   | - Main
Point Asset
   | - Fountain
   | - Hydrant


   id          name  parent_id  flat_name
0   1  Linear Asset         -1  Linear Asset
1   2       Lateral          1  Linear Asset : Lateral
2   3          Main          1  Linear Asset : Main
3   4   Point Asset         -1  Point Asset
4   5      Fountain          4  Point Asset : Fountain
5   6       Hydrant          4  Point Asset : Hydrant


asset_tree = [
    {'id': 1, 'name': 'Linear Asset', 'parent_id': -1},
    {'id': 2, 'name': 'Lateral', 'parent_id': 1},
    {'id': 3, 'name': 'Main', 'parent_id': 1},
    {'id': 4, 'name': 'Point Asset', 'parent_id': -1},
    {'id': 5, 'name': 'Fountain', 'parent_id': 4},
    {'id': 6, 'name': 'Hydrant', 'parent_id': 4},
    {'id': 7, 'name': 'Steel', 'parent_id': 2},
    {'id': 8, 'name': 'Plastic', 'parent_id': 2},
    {'id': 9, 'name': 'Steel', 'parent_id': 3},
    {'id': 10, 'name': 'Plastic', 'parent_id': 3}


   id          name  parent_id  flat_name
0   1  Linear Asset         -1  Linear Asset
1   2       Lateral          1  Linear Asset : Lateral
2   3          Main          1  Linear Asset : Main
3   4   Point Asset         -1  Point Asset
4   5      Fountain          4  Point Asset : Fountain
5   6       Hydrant          4  Point Asset : Hydrant
6   7         Steel          2  Linear Asset : Lateral : Steel
7   8       Plastic          2  Linear Asset : Lateral : Plastic
8   9         Steel          3  Linear Asset : Main : Steel
9  10       Plastic          3  Linear Asset : Main : Plastic

标签: pythonpandas



def flatname(ID):
    row = df[df['id'] == ID].squeeze()
    if row['parent_id'] == -1:
        return row['name']
        return flatname(row['parent_id']) + ' : ' + row['name']


df['flat_name'] = df['id'].apply(flatname)

df您的第二个示例中使用了 after:

   id          name  parent_id                         flat_name
0   1  Linear Asset         -1                      Linear Asset
1   2       Lateral          1            Linear Asset : Lateral
2   3          Main          1               Linear Asset : Main
3   4   Point Asset         -1                       Point Asset
4   5      Fountain          4            Point Asset : Fountain
5   6       Hydrant          4             Point Asset : Hydrant
6   7         Steel          2    Linear Asset : Lateral : Steel
7   8       Plastic          2  Linear Asset : Lateral : Plastic
8   9         Steel          3       Linear Asset : Main : Steel
9  10       Plastic          3     Linear Asset : Main : Plastic

OP 指出,上述函数明确引用df了在函数范围之外定义的变量。因此,如果您将 DataFrame 称为不同的名称,或者您想在许多 DataFrame 上调用它,这可能会导致问题。一种解决方法是将apply函数变成更多的私有助手,并创建一个调用它的外部(更用户友好)函数:

def _flatname_recurse(ID, df):
    row = df[df['id'] == ID].squeeze()
    if row['parent_id'] == -1:
        return row['name']
        return _flatname_recurse(row['parent_id'], df=df) + ' : ' + row['name']

# asset_df to specify we are looking for a specific kind of df
def flatnames(asset_df):
    return asset_df['id'].apply(_flatname_recurse, df=asset_df)


df['flat_name'] = flatnames(df)

另外,请注意,我曾经row = df.iloc[ID - 1, :]用于标识行,在这种情况下有效,但取决于id比索引大一。 这种方法更通用。
