首页 > 解决方案 > sandbox.restore() 不会重置存根的调用计数


我对 Sinon/Jest 和单元测试完全陌生,所以我有点迷失在这里。我尝试制作一个沙箱来声明其中的所有存根,但即使在使用 sandbox.restore() 之后,存根的调用计数也会保留,因此我的测试在下一个“它”中失败。

我不能直接存根 TypeORM 的对象,所以我决定只用我需要的方法创建假对象,并让 TypeORM 的 getRepository() 使用我创建的对象。

我不确定这种方法是否正确,但看起来我的测试正在工作,我可以断言调用次数及其参数,在第二个“它”中,我可以预期抛出的错误等于“Email já cadastrado”和如果我更改预期的消息,则测试失败。

问题是调用次数不会在下一个“it”块之前重置。所以我总是在“sandbox.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(fakeConnection.getRepository, Cidades)”这一行得到一个错误,因为它被调用了两次(一次在前一个'it'上,第二次在当前块上)。

如果我删除该行,我会在断言事务部分得到一个错误,因为我希望 commitTransaction 没有被调用,但它被调用了一次(在前面的“it”块中)。



const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();

// Simulating TypeORM's QueryRunner
const fakeQueryRunner = {
    connect: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),      
    startTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
    rollbackTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
    commitTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
    release: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
    manager: { save: sandbox.stub().returnsThis() },

// Simulating TypeORM's Connection
const fakeConnection = {
    createQueryRunner: sandbox.stub().returns( fakeQueryRunner ),
    getRepository: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
    findOneOrFail: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),

// I've hidden the mock of my parameters/entities (Usuarios, Senhas, Cidades) since I don't think it's needed to solve the problem.

describe('UserRepository', function () {
    let userRepository;

    beforeEach(async () => {
        const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
            providers: [
        userRepository = module.get<UserRepository>(UserRepository);

    describe('signUp', function () {
        beforeEach(function () {
            // typeORM.getConnection() returns my object simulating a Connection.
            sandbox.stub(typeorm, 'getConnection').returns( fakeConnection as unknown as typeorm.Connection )

            // Stubbing this.create()
            sandbox.stub(userRepository, 'create').returns( Usuarios )
        afterEach(function () {

        it('successfully signs up the user', async function () {
            // Simulating sucessful save transaction
            // Calling my method
            await userRepository.signUp(mockCredentialsDto);
            // First interation, this line works
            sandbox.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(fakeConnection.getRepository, Cidades);

            // Asserting that transaction was commited

        it('throws a conflic exception as username already exists', async function () {
            // Simulating a reject from transaction
            fakeQueryRunner.manager.save.onCall(0).rejects({ code: '23505' });

            // Calling my method and catching error
            try {
                await userRepository.signUp(mockCredentialsDto)
            } catch (err) {
                expect(err).toEqual(new Error('Email já cadastrado'));

            // Second interation, this line giver ERROR (method called twice)              
            sandbox.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(fakeConnection.getRepository, Cidades);

            // Asserting that transaction was rolled back, this also gives an error since commitTransaction was called once (in the first 'it' block)
    // I will make another describe block here eventually


async signUp(authCredentialsDto: AuthCredentialsDto): Promise<signUpMessage> {
    const { nome, email, genero, dataNascimento, profissao, organizacao, atuacao, nomeCidade, uf, senha } = authCredentialsDto;
    const connection = getConnection();
    const user = this.create();
    const senhas = new Senhas;
    const cidade = await connection.getRepository(Cidades).findOneOrFail({where: { nome: nomeCidade, uf: uf } });

    // Set values
    user.nome = nome;
    user.email = email;
    user.genero = genero;
    user.dataNascimento = dataNascimento;
    user.profissao = profissao;
    user.organizacao = organizacao;
    user.atuacao = atuacao;
    user.idCidade = cidade;
    const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt();
    senhas.senha = await this.hashPassword(senha, salt)
    senhas.idUsuario2 = user;
    // Make a transaction to save the data
    const queryRunner = connection.createQueryRunner();
    await queryRunner.connect();
    await queryRunner.startTransaction();
    try {
        await queryRunner.manager.save(user);
        await queryRunner.manager.save(senhas);
        await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
    } catch (error) {
        if ( error.code === '23505' ) { // Usuário repetido
            await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
            throw new ConflictException('Email já cadastrado')
        } else {
            await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
            throw new InternalServerErrorException;
    } finally {
        await queryRunner.release();

    let success: signUpMessage;
    return success;

标签: unit-testingtestingjestjssinon


设法使其工作,我在 beforeEach 中声明了我的 Sinon 沙箱和对象,而不是开始我的测试。


describe('UserRepository', () => {
    let userRepository
    let sandbox
    let fakeQueryRunner
    let fakeConnection
    let mockUser: Usuarios

    beforeEach(async () => {
        sandbox = sinon.createSandbox()

        // Cria um objeto QueryRunner fake
        fakeQueryRunner = {
            connect: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
            startTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
            rollbackTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
            commitTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
            release: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
            manager: { save: sandbox.stub().returnsThis() },

        // Cria um objeto Connection fake (note que o stub de createQueryRunner retorna o objeto fakeQueryRunner )
        fakeConnection = {
            createQueryRunner: sandbox.stub().returns(fakeQueryRunner),
            getRepository: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
            findOneOrFail: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),

        mockUser = {
            idUsuario: '1',
            atuacao: 'lol',
            dataNascimento: '10/10/2021',
            email: 'teste@kik.com',
            genero: Genero.MASCULINO,
            nome: 'Teste Nome',
            organizacao: 'Teste org',
            profissao: 'Teste Prof',
            idCidade: mockCidade,
            membros: [],
            senhas: mockSenha,
            validatePassword: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),

        const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
            providers: [UserRepository],
        userRepository = module.get<UserRepository>(UserRepository)

    afterEach(() => {

    describe('signUp', () => {
        beforeEach(function () {
            // Cria um método falso que retorna o objeto fakeConnection
            sandbox.stub(typeorm, 'getConnection').returns((fakeConnection as unknown) as typeorm.Connection)
            // Simula o Create de UserRepository
            sandbox.stub(userRepository, 'create').returns(Usuarios)

        it('successfully signs up the user', async () => {
            // Salvar Usuário e Senha foi bem sucedido

            await userRepository.signUp(mockCredentialsDto)

            // Verificando instanciação do repositório
            const call1 = fakeConnection.getRepository.onCall(0).resolves(Cidades)
            sandbox.assert.calledWith(call1, Cidades)
            sandbox.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(fakeConnection.getRepository, Cidades)

            // Verificando Transactions

        it('throws a conflic exception as username already exists', async () => {
            // Houve um erro em um dos saves, resultando num rollback da transaction
            fakeQueryRunner.manager.save.onCall(1).rejects({ code: '23505' })

            try {
                await userRepository.signUp(mockCredentialsDto)
            } catch (err) {
                expect(err).toEqual(new Error('Email já cadastrado'))

            // Verificando instanciação do repositório
            const call1 = fakeConnection.getRepository.onCall(0).resolves(Cidades)
            sandbox.assert.calledWith(call1, Cidades)
            sandbox.assert.calledOnceWithExactly(fakeConnection.getRepository, Cidades)

            // Verificando Transactions
