首页 > 解决方案 > 从 JSON 文件末尾删除空 {}


我的代码发出一个 json 请求,然后将数据输出到一个 json 格式的文件,但文件末尾带有空的 {} 或 []。这是发出请求的代码:

for rt in requestType:
    limit = 1000
    offset = 0
    page = 0
    request = request_str.get(url+rt+'?limit='+str(limit)+'&offset='+str(offset))
    data = request.json()
    total_count = request.headers['X-Total-Count']
    pages = math.ceil(int(total_count) / limit)
    fileName = rt.replace("/","")+".json"
    with open(fileName, 'w') as outf:
        json.dump(data, outf,  indent=4)
    while (page) < pages:
        offset = offset + limit
        request = request_str.get(url+rt+'?limit='+str(limit)+'&offset='+str(offset))
        data = request.json()
        with open(fileName, 'a') as outf:
            json.dump(data, outf,  indent=4)
        page += 1

以下是 json 文件的示例:

    "orgs": [
            "sourcedId": "04EB8C87-7B48-474A-9404-4E352FE3207E",
            "status": "active",
            "dateLastModified": "2020-06-25T19:51:00.000Z",
            "name": "name of org",
            "type": "building",
            "identifier": "0157",
    "orgs": []

如何{"orgs": []}从文件末尾删除?或者更好的是,我怎样才能防止它首先被写入文件?

标签: pythonjson


Add logic that only write if the length of the data is greater than 0:

for rt in requestType:
    limit = 1000
    offset = 0
    page = 0
    request = request_str.get(url+rt+'?limit='+str(limit)+'&offset='+str(offset))
    data = request.json()
    total_count = request.headers['X-Total-Count']
    pages = math.ceil(int(total_count) / limit)
    fileName = rt.replace("/","")+".json"
    with open(fileName, 'w') as outf:
        json.dump(data, outf,  indent=4)
    while (page) < pages:
        offset = offset + limit
        request = request_str.get(url+rt+'?limit='+str(limit)+'&offset='+str(offset))
        data = request.json()
        if len(data['orgs']) > 0:     #<-- if data len greater than 0, append it
            with open(fileName, 'a') as outf:
                json.dump(data, outf,  indent=4)
        page += 1
