首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么模拟时会得到未定义的输出向量和未定义的时钟?


我对 VHDL 很陌生,并且在我的测试平台上遇到了错误(至少我相信它只在测试平台中)。我的程序模拟了一个有 12 个部分的体育场。该程序由 12 个单独的计数器以及达到最大容量的 90% 时的 LED 和一个显示所有 12 个计数器的总数的 4 位数字显示器组成。




library IEEE;
use IEEE.Numeric_STD.all;

entity counter is

Port (Clk: in STD_LOGIC;
      Enable : in STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0);
      Reset : in STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0);
      Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9,Q10,Q11,Q12 : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(8 downto 0); -- 9 bits as 300 <2^9
      Qt : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0); -- 12 bits as 300 (section) * 12 > 2^12
      a,b,c,d,e,f,g : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(3 downto 0); --Individual segments of the display (4 because the number will max out at 3600)
      Led0,Led1,Led2,Led3,Led4,Led5,Led6,Led7,Led8,Led9,Led10,Led11 : out STD_LOGIC);
end counter;      

Architecture behavioral of counter is
    type REG_variable is array(0 to 11) of unsigned(8 downto 0);
    type Q_variable is array (0 to 11) of STD_LOGIC_Vector(8 downto 0);
    type DIGITS_variable is array (0 to 3) of unsigned (3 downto 0);
    signal output_array : Q_variable;
    signal LED_Output : STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0);
    component count_comp is
        Port(Clk, Reset, Enable : in STD_Logic;
        Q : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(8 downto 0);
        LED : out STD_LOGIC);
    end component; 
    process (CLK,Reset)
        variable LED_lights : STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        variable REG : REG_variable := (others =>(others => '0'));
        variable Total_REG: unsigned(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        variable Digits : DIGITS_variable := (others => (others => '0'));
Single_Counter : for i in 11 downto 0 loop
   if Reset(i) = '1' then
   Total_REG := Total_REG - REG(i);
   REG(i) := (others => '0');
   LED_lights(i) := '0';
       elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
             if Enable(i) = '1' and (REG(i) <= 300) then
             if (REG(i) >= 270) then
                  LED_lights(i) := '1';
                  Total_REG := Total_REG + 1;
                  REG(i) := REG(i)+ 1;
             end if;   
Digits(0) := to_unsigned(to_integer(Total_REG - Total_REG mod 100),4);
Digits(1) := to_unsigned(to_integer((Total_REG - Total_REG mod 100)/10),4);
Digits(2) := to_unsigned(to_integer((Total_REG - Total_REG mod 100)/100),4);
Digits(3) := to_unsigned(to_integer((Total_REG - Total_REG mod 100)/1000),4);

end if;
end if;

Qt <= STD_LOGIC_Vector(Total_REG);
output_array(i) <= STD_LOGIC_Vector(REG(i));
LED_output(i) <= LED_lights(i);

for x in 3 downto 0 loop
case to_integer(Digits(x)) is

    when 0
    => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '1'; f(x) <= '1'; g(x) <= '0';
    when 1
    => a(x) <= '0'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '0'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '0'; g(x) <= '0';
    when 2 
    => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '0'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '1'; f(x) <= '0'; g(x) <= '1';
    when 3 
    => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '0'; g(x) <= '1';
    when 4
    => a(x) <= '0'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '0'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '1'; g(x) <= '1';
    when 5
     => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '0'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '1'; g(x) <= '1';
    when 6 
    => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '0'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '1'; f(x) <= '1'; g(x) <= '1';
    when 7 
    => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '0'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '0'; g(x) <= '0';
    when 8
     => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '1'; f(x) <= '1'; g(x) <= '1';
    when 9
    => a(x) <= '1'; b(x) <= '1'; c(x) <= '1'; d(x) <= '1'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '1'; g(x) <= '1';
    when others
    => a(x) <= '0'; b(x) <= '0'; c(x) <= '0'; d(x) <= '0'; e(x) <= '0'; f(x) <= '0'; g(x) <= '0';
   end case; 
   end loop;
end loop;   
end process;

Counters : for i in 11 downto 0 generate
   counter_gen : count_comp
   port map (CLK => CLK, Reset => Reset (i), Enable => Enable(i), Q => output_array(i), LED => LED_output(i));
end generate;
Q1 <= output_array(0);
Q2 <= output_array(1);
Q3 <= output_array(2);
Q4 <= output_array(3);
Q5 <= output_array(4);
Q6 <= output_array(5);
Q7 <= output_array(6);
Q8 <= output_array(7);
Q9 <= output_array(8);
Q10 <= output_array(9);
Q11 <= output_array(10);
Q12 <= output_array(11);

Led0 <= LED_output(0);
Led1 <= LED_output(1);
Led2 <= LED_output(2);
Led3 <= LED_output(3);
Led4 <= LED_output(4);
Led5 <= LED_output(5);
Led6 <= LED_output(6);
Led7 <= LED_output(7);
Led8 <= LED_output(8);
Led9 <= LED_output(9);
Led10 <= LED_output(10);
Led11 <= LED_output(11);

end behavioral;


library IEEE;

entity Project_Testbench is
architecture TB1 of Project_Testbench is
       component count_comp is
      Port(Clk: in STD_LOGIC;
         Enable : in STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0);
         Reset : in STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0);
         Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9,Q10,Q11,Q12 : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(8 downto 0);
         Qt : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(11 downto 0);
         a,b,c,d,e,f,g : out STD_LOGIC_Vector(3 downto 0);
         Led0,Led1,Led2,Led3,Led4,Led5,Led6,Led7,Led8,Led9,Led10,Led11 : out STD_LOGIC);
    end component count_comp; 
     signal Clk_TB : std_logic := '0';
     signal Enable : std_logic_Vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
     signal Reset : std_logic_Vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');


     Clk_TB <= not Clk_TB after 5ns;

stimuli: process

         Enable <= "000000000000"; Reset <= "11111111111";
         wait for 100 ns;
         Enable <= "11111111111"; Reset <= "00000000000";
         wait for 200 ns;
         Enable <= "11110011111"; Reset <= "00000000000";
         wait for 50 ns;
         Enable <= "00011111111"; Reset <= "00000000000";
         wait for 20 ns;
         Enable <= "11111111111"; Reset <= "11000000000";
         wait for 20 ns;
         Enable <= "11111111111"; Reset <= "00000000000";
         wait for 1000 ns;

        end process;

uut: count_comp port map
     Clk => Clk_TB,
     Enable => Enable,
     Reset => Reset);

这是输出信号的屏幕截图。 输出信号

标签: vectorvhdltest-bench

