首页 > 解决方案 > 将 reducer 有效负载键入为对象类型或此类的数组


我正在使用 useReducer 来维护对象类型数组的状态,并且我有一些操作类型。接口看起来像:

interface MyObject {
  id: string;
  foo: string;
  bar: string;

interface Action {
  type: 'add' | 'remove' | 'update';
  payload?: Partial<MyObject>;


const reducer = (current: MyObject[], action: Action): MyObject[] => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'add':
      return [...current, createBaseMyObject()];
    case 'remove':
      return current.filter((item) => item.id !== action.payload?.id);
    case 'update':
      return current.map((item) => {
        if (item.id === action.payload?.id) {
          return { ...item, ...action.payload };
        return item;

      return current;

这工作正常,但我还需要有条件地传递一个 MyObject 数组作为有效负载以批量更新。尝试将类型和功能更改为此:

interface ReducerAction {
  type: 'add' | 'remove' | 'update';
  payload?: Partial<MyObject> | MyObject[];

const reducer = (current: MyObject[], action: Action): MyObject[] => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'add':
      return [...current, createBaseMyObject()];
    case 'remove':
      // Property 'id' does not exist on type 'MyObject[]'
      return current.filter((item) => item.id !== action.payload?.id);
    case 'update':
      // With proper typing maybe this should be dedicated case
      if (Array.isArray(action.payload)) {
        return action.payload;

      return current.map((item) => {
        // Property 'id' does not exist on type 'MyObject[]'
        if (item.id === action.payload?.id) {
          return { ...item, ...action.payload };
        return item;

      return current;

我试图避免断言或额外的运行时检查只是为了满足 TS。如果创建一个专用案例更容易,那很好。我只想尽可能最好地输入它,最好保持简单。想法?

标签: typescriptreact-typescriptuse-reducer


如果您希望 Typescript 了解某些类型具有特定的有效负载,那么您需要一个联合类型。我会将'update'. 'replace'数组有效负载似乎是一个更好的名称,因为您正在用该数组替换整个状态。

type Action = {
  type: 'add';
  // no payload 
} | {
  type: 'remove' | 'update';
  // partial but with id required
  payload: Partial<MyObject> & Pick<MyObject, 'id'>;
} | {
  type: 'replace';
  // array of objects
  payload: MyObject[];

const reducer = (current: MyObject[], action: Action): MyObject[] => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "add":
      return [...current, createBaseMyObject()];
    case "remove":
      return current.filter((item) => item.id !== action.payload.id);
    case "update":
      return current.map((item) => {
        if (item.id === action.payload.id) {
          return { ...item, ...action.payload };
        return item;
    case "replace":
      return action.payload;
      return current;
